Abused Dog Spotted at Walmart Smothers Rescuers with Kisses After Emergency Treatment
A dog in severe distress, with an alarmingly large amount of swelling on her head, was found in front of a Walmart prompting urgent action. Lola, a 1 ½ year old mixed breed dog, needed emergency veterinary assistance immediately. Responding to a call on January 21, Palm Beach County’s Department of Public Safety Division of Animal Care Control rushed to the scene to help Lola, whose condition suggested she was suffering greatly.

What Happened To Lola
The veterinary team at PBCACC rushed into action when it was discovered that the reason Lola’s neck was so swollen and her head was an abnormally large size was due to the fact her owner had forced her to wear a makeshift collar created from shoelaces. This “collar” was so tight that it was basically acting like a tourniquet and it had embedded itself into this sweet dog’s neck. Lola had severe lacerations around her neck that had become infected and the veterinary team worked tirelessly for two hours repairing the wounds. All in all Lola had 25 sutures to close her wounds as well as medication to decrease the pain and inflammation. Lola’s gash was 2.5 cm deep and covered three-quarters of her neck. This poor pup could hardly breathe.
Lola’s Road To Recovery

After three days of rest, medication, antibiotics and love and attention from the PBCACC staff, Lola was starting to heal. In addition to her horrific neck injury, Lola was also lactating which led the veterinarians to suspect she had recently given birth to a litter of puppies that were sadly never recovered. It’s so hard to imagine the amount of abuse this poor dog suffered from. Officials said that now that she was out of pain her true personality was starting to shine through. Arielle Weinberger, PR specialist with the PBCACC, said that “many animals are nervous when entering the shelter as it is a major change in their environment, but Lola opened up quickly with our kennel and clinic staff. She gave lots of kisses and cuddles, showing how thankful she was now that she was recovering from her injuries.”
Justice was also served, because Lola’s previous owner was arrested and the Palm Beach Sheriff’s case is in progress.
Lola Wasn’t Lola After All

After this precious pup was healed, the caring staff at Animal Care and Control knew it was time for her to go to her forever family. When local news covered her heroic journey, a family watching the news realized something miraculous. The dog they saw, the sweet girl that had been through horrific abuse that was now healed, looked surprisingly like their own dog named Elsa that had gone missing eight months ago. Weinberger explains, “Her family, unrelated to the man she was seized from, lost her 8 months ago and when they recognized her in the news they say they rushed to the shelter to pick her up. They showed proof of ownership and Elsa was returned to her family.”
It’s such a miracle that Lola, er, Elsa was saved and cared for by the wonderful staff at PBCACC returned to the family that thought they had lost her forever. From moments away from losing her life to getting her happily-ever-after, this precious girl deserved this truly wonderful happy ending.
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