Woman Opens Her Home to 2 Shelter Dogs, What Happens Next Is Pure Joy

Adopting a new dog is both an exciting and stressful experience. The minute you start the paperwork, you begin to fall in love with your new 4-legged child. So it can be disappointing when the dog you hoped for gets rescued by someone else.

2 Rescue Dogs

However, it didn’t discourage this dog’s mom from saving another life. Little did she know when she began adopting her dog Summer, the dog she originally intended to rescue would be available again, too. This choice was simple for her. She adopted them both.

Going From One Dog to Three

Lauren embarked on an adventurous 800-mile journey from Illinois to Pennsylvania, fueled by her determination to welcome  rescue dogs Summer and Harmony into her family. Her quest began with Crossing Paths Rescue in Alabama, where she ensured the two dogs would be a perfect match. Accompanied by her loyal dog Wisdom, Lauren’s drive was more than just a trip; it was a mission of love. Upon their first meeting, Wisdom quickly warmed up to his new siblings, embracing them as part of the pack.

2 Rescue Dogs
Wisdom, Harmony, Summer 1st Night at hotel

The hotel room became the stage for a heartwarming scene. Summer, initially overwhelmed, sought refuge under a desk. In a touching display of protectiveness, Harmony stood guard, ensuring Summer felt safe. This simple act of kindness marked the beginning of their bond. Lauren watched as Summer gradually relaxed, allowing her to join in the comforting embrace.

Life with Summer and Harmony is a whirlwind of joy and playful chaos. They revel in their newfound freedom, engaging in spirited games of chase, wrestling, and never-ending tug-of-war. Lauren observes their antics with delight, noting how they truly cherish each other’s company. In this lively household, every day is an adventure, a testament to the good life they now share.

Adjusting to Their New Home

2 Rescue Dogs

After being abandoned, Harmony and Summer required time to transition to domestic life when adopted. Their new owner says thankfully the girls are “very smart and quickly grasped potty training outside.” Though initially hesitant, they soon gained confidence to play outdoors and embark on walks. Their intelligence made the adjustment smooth according to the owner.  

2 Rescue Dogs

Building an Unbreakable Bond

Lauren and her newly adopted dogs have formed a tight connection. “Harmony gives hugs by standing on her hind legs,” she states. “Sometimes in bed at night she wraps her paws around my arm to snuggle.” Describing Harmony as very sweet, she adds that being called a good girl makes her tail wag joyfully. Meanwhile, Summer craves attention on walks, necessitating several pit stops for pets. “She likes to walk between my legs. She will give me check-ins by touching my hand with her nose when she wants to pause.” Both girls are “very affectionate,” Lauren reports.  

2 Rescue Dogs
Summer & Harmony

A Loving Big Brother 

The bonded pair have also built rapport with Wisdom, their canine brother. Lauren reveals, “He adores them so much he even grooms their faces tenderly.” She depicts a touching scene of reciprocal caretaking: “If he’s grooming Summer’s face, Harmony will offer her face to be groomed too.” 

2 Rescue Dogs
Summer & Harmony

This could be the perfect example of everything happening for a reason. If we open our hearts to all possibilities, we often get more than we could have ever dreamed.

2 Rescue Dogs
Summer & Harmony

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