Overcrowded Raleigh Shelter Gives Dogs Adorable Duckie Pajamas to Get Them Adopted Faster

When the SPCA of Wake County in Raleigh, North Carolina found themselves at maximum capacity in early April, staff had to think fast to free up space in their kennels. 

Animal shelters are constantly fighting overpopulation, and unfortunately many are forced to euthanize long-term residents, “unadoptable” breeds, and dogs who require additional medical or behavioral care. More than 900,000 animals in shelters are euthanized annually in the United States—the ultimate cause is the overbreeding of “designer dogs,” unethical puppy mill and backyard breeder operations, and housing difficulties and economic strain for pet owners.

Overcrowded Raleigh Shelter Gives Dogs Adorable Duckie Pajamas to Get Them Adopted Faster

Of course, for most shelters, euthanasia is the last option, after lots of other solutions have been tested. For the staff at SPCA of Wake County, the solution to overpopulation was getting as much attention as possible for their adoptable dogs using…wait for it…duck pajamas!

Using Social Media To Get Dogs Adopted

Going viral on social media—or simply reaching the right people—can be a turning point for animal rescuers seeking aid from animal lovers in their community. People who adore their pets have a way of rallying together, and some truly magical rescue stories have come from connections made online. Often, all it takes is grabbing someone’s attention while they scroll, but you need something good to hook them in. For example, dogs in PJs. 

“We are FULL, and dogs aren’t getting adopted! So we did what anyone would do. The only logical thing. We gave them all…duckie pajamas,” says a Facebook post shared by the SPCA of Wake County. “We’ve got big dogs, small dogs, young dogs, and old dogs. Some dogs are new, and some have been waiting here a long time to join a family. But they all share one thing in common — they look excellent in duckies.”

The Facebook post also made sure to mention that dogs adopted from the SPCA of Wake County in April of 2024 will go home with their very own duck pajamas! Promotions, silly campaigns, and intentional social media posts like this are fabulous ways to grow awareness for your cause. Likewise, if you’re a dog lover looking for ways to support animals in need or the right dog to adopt, connecting with rescue organizations via social media can keep you up to date with their latest efforts and campaigns. 

Meet 5 Shelter Dogs in Duck Pajamas

Who wouldn’t want to see a bunch of adorable—and adoptable—dogs wearing duckie pajamas? Even better, the SPCA of Wake County has also shared blurbs about a few of their adoptable pooches. While some of these dogs have already been adopted, the SPCA of Wake County will always have dogs available, even after the duck pajamas run out. If you live nowhere near Raleigh, North Carolina, take this as a sign to visit your local animal shelter to look for your new canine best friend. 

1. Guildenstern

For example, Kellie, a member of the shelter staff says that one of Guildenstern’s best qualities is “his absolute lack of brain cells!” Put your tongue back in, buddy. 

2. Amber

According to Rosemary, Amber “is a piglet, not a dog. Also, she does little hops in the air with all four legs like a frog.” This funny quirky girl will keep her forever humans constantly entertained!

3. Lincoln

Kat—a staff member at SPCA of Wake County—says that Lincoln is “just happy to be here!” He’s giving us big “no thoughts, just vibes” energy, and all I can say is me too, Lincoln, me too. 

4. Bernard

Shelter staff have nothing but amazing things to say about 10-year-old Bernard, and call him a gentle soul who can’t contain all the love he has to give in his body. “He just wants to give all the kisses and snuggle the day away,” says a Facebook post featuring Bernard. It makes total sense that he’s so happy in his pajamas—he’s dressed for snuggles!

5. Champagne 

Lazy dogs love pajamas, and Champagne is a total couch potato. Or should I say grass potato? “[One] time she refused to come in from the yard,” says SPCA staff member Sabrina. “We had to roll her inside like a sack of potatoes!”