Dog Hit By Car & Left Behind Beats the Odds; Learns to Walk Again In The Most Incredible Way

If you’re a animal lover, this story will pull at your heartstrings. It’s difficult to imagine injuring an innocent dog and then leaving to suffer alone and afraid. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what happened to Asher. After being hit by a car, he was left with two broken legs and gashes on his head. Sadly, the human who caused his wounds never even stopped to check on him.

Dog Hit By Car

Although an incident like this might cause us to lose faith in humanity, it didn’t cause this sweet boy to lose his zest for life. With the help of Lucky Dog Animal Rescue, he is triumphing over his injuries and recovering in a way that inspires us all.

Asher Approached Serious Injuries With Grace and Determination

This young dog perseveres through countless obstacles, never allowing them to bring him down. Even when that included orthopedic surgery to repair his broken front and hind legs. The rescue reports, “We’ve had many dogs with incredible medical stories. What inspired us about Asher was his strength and determination. The moment he could, Asher was up and using his legs and ready to take on life!” He sounds like a special guy for sure.

Dog Hit By Car

Beating the Odds One Step at a Time

The pain of broken bones and surgery couldn’t dampen his spirit. Even with his extensive injuries, his foster reports, “He is using his front left leg regularly to help balance himself and walk around when he goes to the bathroom. He has yet to use his left hind leg at all. We are exercising both legs several times a day, moving and rotating each in a full range of motion. He is going to the bathroom outside without accident. He is eating very well and takes his medicine easily.” Those traits make caring for any dog easier.

Dog Hit By Car

Is Asher the Right Dog for You?

Now ready for adoption, this handsome boy is looking for his forever home where he can complete his miraculous recovery. His cheerfulness perfectly resonates with those who have triumphed over hardships and appreciate each day. Lucky Dog Animal Rescue reports, “He’s very sweet and affectionate — you would never know what he has been through in his short life.” His resilience is truly uplifting. His foster family also describes him as being very affectionate, quiet, and a little spunky. He also enjoys curling up and snuggling on everyone’s lap.

If Asher sounds like your ideal companion, you can fill out an adoption application with Lucky Dog Animal Rescue. If you’re unable to adopt, you can help them do more good work by donating to their organization.

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