Stray Dog Living With Tight String Around Neck Thought Life Was Over, Until This Happened

When staff at Happy Doggo received reports of a stray puppy roaming around with a string knotted tightly around her neck, nothing prepared them for the pitiful state they’d find this 8-month-old pup in. (watch the video below)

Stella spent her life on the streets in unimaginable pain. Someone had tied a string around this puppies neck. As she grew the string became tighter and tighter until it cut so deeply into her neck it exposed the flesh around her area

Stray Dog Living With Tight String Around Neck Thought Life Was Over, Until This Happened

The rescuers knew that if they didn’t act swiftly, Stella wouldn’t survive. But getting Stella to accept their help wasn’t a walk in the park. Her sorrowful eyes brimmed with fear and she lashed out at anyone who tried to approach her.

Thankfully, after numerous attempts, a staff member managed to catch Stella and bring her to safety. Her rescuers knew that every second from that point mattered; it was evident Stella needed urgent medical attention, so they wasted no time. They rushed her for specialized treatment, kick-starting her journey of healing and transformation. 

Stella’s Hesitance to Trust Her Rescuers Persists

Stray Dog Living With Tight String Around Neck Thought Life Was Over, Until This Happened

A veterinarian team attended to Stella, removing the oppressive string that had robbed her of a comfortable life, and treating the open wound around her neck. Although Stella was finally free from the string, she still couldn’t bring herself to trust her rescuers, and understandably so. After her treatment, she remained fearful, ready to bite anyone who came near her.

Staff at Happy Doggo (one of Thailand’s largest rescue organizations for street dogs) knew that getting Stella to trust again required them to exercise lots of patience but they didn’t expect this to happen as soon as it did, considering all she’d been through.   Stella’s true personality started to show, and she began viewing her rescuers as people who were for her, not against her.

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Stella arrived with us at Happy Doggo just 6 days ago and it’s hard to believe the progress she has made. It’s a journey that we thought would take weeks or even months but she has surprised us all. Niall and Sybille got a message about her 7 days ago. They were both very busy but got down there the next day. Sybille was the one who did the hard part by cornering her into a villa. She wasn’t easy to catch as she was terrified but we soon saw that if we didn’t get her there and then it could be game over for her. She’d had string attached as a puppy and it was cutting into her tighter by the day. She was in agony. Luckily the vets sedated her and did a great job cleaning it up but that was only half the job. She was so scared of us all that she wouldn’t let us get near her without trying to bite us. This is where Lana and Jamie helped so much just sitting with her for hours at a time over the last week. She slowly came around. The big hero was Rusty though. As soon as she got in with him she became a different dog. He is just that sort of dog. It’s hard to believe what she is like today just 6 days after rescuing her. Little Stella is only about 8 months old. We’ll take it easy with her and make sure she heals up nicely at @wearehappydoggo and then decide what is next for the best little girl. Unbelievable Stella 🥰🙏🏽 #rescue #rescuedog #dogsoftiktok #puppy #rescuepuppy

♬ When I See You – Gabriel Albuquerqüe & Piano House

Stella’s New Chapter Begins 

Stray Dog Living With Tight String Around Neck Thought Life Was Over, Until This Happened

Stella’s recovery has been heartwarming. Her tail wags with enthusiasm at the sight of the rescuers who never gave up on her, even when she pushed them away. She looks visibly happier, her optimism for life is slowly blooming, and her playful spirit shines through.

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