Senior Dog Suffers One Emotional Blow After Another After Owner Dies, Family Returns Her to Shelter 

In a perfect world, all dogs would have the forever homes their hearts desire and never have to experience the indescribable pain of being surrendered to the shelter. Sadly, the world we live in is anything but perfect, and dogs, just like us, sometimes hit rock bottom emotionally, particularly when they become victims of beyond-devastating circumstances. 

Senior Dog Suffers One Emotional Blow After Another After Owner Dies, Family Returns Her to Shelter 

One such dog is Gracey, a senior Golden Retriever whose once-perfect life crumbled before her eyes in a matter of days. For nine good years, Gracey had a home to call her own. Unfortunately, things took a tragic turn when her cherished owner passed away a couple of days ago, leaving her completely crushed. What’s more saddening is that a family member surrendered Gracey to the shelter the day after her owner’s death, wounding her grieving heart even further. 

Gracey’s Health Woes, Currently in Foster Care 

Senior Dog Suffers One Emotional Blow After Another After Owner Dies, Family Returns Her to Shelter 

Gracey spent one night at the shelter before Los Angeles-based rescue Rovers Retreat intervened and took her in. It was soon discovered she had a severe ear infection in one ear and a large tumor in the other. At the moment, it remains unclear how long Gracey battled with these two conditions. 

Fortunately, she’s receiving medical attention and is expected to make a full recovery. Going by the responses issued by Rovers Retreat on their lengthy Instagram post, Gracey is currently in foster care as she continues to recuperate. She will be up for adoption once she’s in the best health.   

Heartbroken Gracey Taking It a Day at Time….

It’s every senior dog’s wish to have a permanent roof over their head and enjoy their golden years with their loved ones. Sadly, not all seniors get to enjoy this privilege. 

Make A Plan For Your Dog

Gracey’s predicament serves as a reminder of the importance of having a succession plan for your dog. While the general assumption is that we outlive our canine friends, sometimes, the vice versa may be the case. Given how unpredictable death is, it’s wise to make arrangements in advance on who will look after your furry friend when you’re gone. That way, your abrupt absence won’t be the reason your pup has their first-ever encounter with the emotional monster that is homelessness. 

Senior Dog Suffers One Emotional Blow After Another After Owner Dies, Family Returns Her to Shelter 

Gracey suffered the emotional blow of a lifetime when she lost the two most important things in her life all at once: a permanent roof over her head, and her favorite human. While she’s still the “sweetest ol’ lady” — as the rescue center describes her — these significant life disruptions have tainted her vibrant self and turned her into a somewhat skittish pup. 

Hopefully with time, Gracey will begin to view each day as an opportunity to embrace the possibility of her life taking a beautiful turn as fast as it crumbled.

Similar to younger shelter dogs, senior dogs like Gracey are equally capable of offering steadfast companionship and joy. All it takes is for that one special person to see them for the treasure that they are and give them a chance. If you’re out there yearning to give sweet Gracey a lifelong supply of love, comfort, and stability or simply want to donate toward her pending vet bills, reach out to Rovers Retreat for more information. 

Coffee that Support Shelter Dogs

Medium Roast Organic 12 oz

Dark Roast Organic 12 oz

Flip Coffee Enamel Mug