Homeless dog scared to live inside until this happened…
Rocky Kanaka (Animal Advocate):
This dog had never been inside of a home until this happened.

Emily (Willie’s Foster):
He was astray, had only been outdoors. Willie had trouble with passing through a doorway. It was a physical doorway of having to go through it. I was carrying him up and down the stairs, in and outside. We’d get him outside and then he’d wander up to the door and get a little spooked and be like, Nope, not coming in.
Rocky Kanaka:
Willie was found in a Texas oil field, living all alone before being fostered by Emily.
Willie did have a little bit of anxiety and wanted to be near us all the time. I really worked hard to, you know, create a safe space where he felt comfortable, but also safe, not scared. He also, being a puppy and having only lived outside the potty training was a little brutal. <laugh>.

Rocky Kanaka:
Everything changed when he made a friend.
He loves other dogs, and immediately took to Carlo and would just lay by Carlo every chance he got. And Carlo was slow to taking to Willie, which is how Carlo is. He needs slow introductions. Carlo would be in his crate door open. Willie would just go lay by there. Always wanted to be near Carlo, and Carlo didn’t seem to mind, so it just, it sort of evolved one day.
I went to go take Willie to one of our local pet stores, and I went to put the leash on him, and Carlo came running out seeming to say, I’m coming with you. I was like, God, I guess we’re doing this, we’re friends now. They had a ton of fun. They got all these treats.

After that point, the next four weeks that we had Willie, every day they were playing, running up and down the stairs. We received a lot of donations from our neighbors of, um, old stuffed animals from their kids. Everyday there was like stuffing everywhere. I’d be picking up stuffing in the morning.
Rocky Kanaka:
While Willie is now officially adopted to a new family, Emily believes that both dogs helped each other during their time together.
A lot of people were upset that we didn’t keep Willie. They formed a really great friendship, and I think they both helped each other out a lot. Carlo, he taught Willie how to be a dog. And Willie, I, I think Willie taught Carlo how to be a dog with other dogs. I think Willie, you know, kind of boosted his confidence a little bit, being around other dogs.

But ultimately, at the end of the day, if I thought the best place for a dog was in our home, I would keep that dog. Willie found an amazing home. He has, um, a best friend next door who he plays with every day. They go back and forth between yards and houses. It’s been awesome to see him blossom and they love him so much too.
That’s why we do what we do, is so that not only can we save these dogs that are worth saving, but they bring so much joy into other people’s lives too.
Rocky Kanaka:
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