Here’s What Happened To Princess The German Shepherd…

Join animal advocate Rocky Kanaka on a heartfelt and authentic journey as he visits scared and lonely shelter dogs, armed with nothing but his iPhone and a deep desire to provide comfort and hope. In this unpretentious series, Rocky quietly sits with these homeless dogs, capturing their stories and unique personalities. Through the simplicity of his approach, he aims to shed light on the challenges they face and help them find loving homes. Experience the power of genuine connection and the transformative impact it can have on both humans and animals in this sincere exploration of companionship and second chances.


sitting with dogs Princess the German Shepherd

Princess is an 8-year-old female German Shepherd who was found as a stray and brought to the shelter. She came in with a microchip and collar, and has an owner known currently. So far, there has been no luck in contacting her owners, and because she was so clearly nervous at the shelter, Rocky sat with her in a separate video to garner attention for her.

sitting with dogs Princess the German Shepherd

Now, Rocky checks up on her to see if she’s improved, and sees that she is outside in the stray yard of the shelter for some outside time. Unfortunately, he finds she is still extremely nervous, but has hope she will find a new home soon if her owners do not come in, as her previous feature has gained lots of attention. 

sitting with dogs Princess the German Shepherd

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sitting with dogs Bucky and Buddy

*Buddy is the whiter dog that is more brave, Bucky is the browner dog that is in RK’s arms and shy/back of nnel for start of sit down

Bucky (2-year-old male) & Buddy (5-year-old male) were dumped in night drop along with 3 other dogs. The names of the dogs were left behind as well as a phone number, however when the shelter tried to contact the number, it was out of service. Buddy is thought to potentially be the father to Bucky, and it’s suspected the dogs were all dropped off by the owner/same home.

sitting with dogs Bucky and Buddy

Buddy is braver, willing to come up to the front of the kennel, but Bucky is shy and a bit more reserved. Rocky sits in with them to provide them comfort and to let them know it’ll be okay. Both dogs are now adoption available at the shelter after no contact was made with an owner nor their mysterious “finder” who left them in night drop.

sitting with dogs Bucky
Bucky found new home
sitting with dogs Bucky
Bucky in new home

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Rocky's Pack

By joining Rocky’s community, you’re not just signing up for updates—you’re supporting a fantastic cause. Every member helps Rocky in his mission to give dogs like Redford a second chance. Plus, it’s a great space to connect with fellow dog enthusiasts, share stories, and stay in the loop with the latest rescue tales by offering insights into the rescue process and even giving members first dibs on exciting updates, like Redford’s DNA results. And let’s not forget the added bonus: members get discounts on products. So, come on in, make a difference, and enjoy some perks along the way! Join on YouTube Join on Facebook


sitting with dogs Roofo

Roofo the 6-year-old Poodle mix came into the shelter as an Animal Control pick up, as he was found running loose. With a microchip, he’s an owner known! But there’s a lot more than meets the eye to his story…

Roofo came into the shelter for the first time back in 2020 when he was found by a good samaritan running around the airport. When he was brought in the first time, Mel had groomed him due to a matted coat before he was returned to his owner.

sitting with dogs Roofo

Now, in 2023, Roofo is back, and is even worse than ever before. Unsure of whether his owner will come back for him again and questioning his condition, Rocky sits in with him to provide him comfort. Then, begs for Mel the Shelter Groomer to help him as soon as possible. Roofo’s groom is so tedious, with a coat that behaves strangely (perhaps due to a past complete shavedown, Mel suspects), it takes her four hours to complete. Talk about a transformation!

sitting with dogs Roofo

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sitting with dogs honey

Carly* is a 4.5-yr-old Jack Russell mix that is extremely nervous at the shelter. Not much is known about her, except that she was found by a good samaritan, and has clearly been through some tough times based on her frozen demeanor.

Now, Carly has a meeting with Nicole and Shannon, and after a successful meeting and a cat test passed, Carly is adopted!

sitting with dogs honey

Carly has been renamed to Honey now, and she is doing fantastic according to Nicole. She allows herself to be taken into arms now, follows Nicole around constantly, explores, and even gets along with the cat just fine at home! She is building confidence day by day. 

Honey even has a paw trick that she does with Nicole, and it all goes to show a home with love and patience can mean the world to a shut down dog like her. 

sitting with dogs: honey

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