Blind Rescue Dog Plays in Ocean For First Time


Apply to adopt Garbanzo here

❤️Donate to help Garbanzo (special needs dogs take 4x longer to adopt)

Garbanzo is a 15-month-old Border Collie mix who’s about 90% blind and walks with a little wobble.

Rescuers think his blindness may have been caused by an illness at a young age (like Distemper) or a bad reaction to a vaccine. Bright lights and darkness tend to make Garbanzo nervous and do his best on cloudy days or in spaces with dim lighting.

Despite his handicaps, Garbanzo is an energetic boy with a lot of love and affection to give. He’s always looking forward to playtime and gets along well with other dogs. Unfortunately, he has never been adopted or lived in a home setting so isn’t yet accustomed to home life.

His blindness classifies him as a special needs dog, which takes four times longer than other dogs to find their forever homes (if they ever do) which is why he has been at Michelson Found Animal’s Adopt & Shop for a while.


Found Animals reached out to someone they knew could help with Garbanzo. Rocky Kanaka, Emmy-nominated television host, and pet rescue advocate, immediately connected with Garbanzo and decided to help in four ways

1) Meet with several types of trainers (behaviorists, blind dog specialists, etc to get the best advice possible on how to work with a dog who is mostly blind)

2) Treat him to an amazing day full of love and surprises.

3) Feature him on “Dogs Day Out” to get maximum exposure

4) Fundraise to help cover the cost of Garbanzo and other special needs dogs like Garbanzo (Special needs dogs take 4x longer than other dogs to find their forever home)

(by the way, if you are looking for a way to keep track of your dog, check out this GPS tracker from Whistle. 20% of the sale goes right to Garbanzo and other special needs dogs. Use code GARBANZO to save $25)


Who wouldn’t want to adopt Garbanzo Bean? Apply Here.


  • Donate. Any amount at all will help. The money goes straight to Michelson Found Animals / Adopt & shop to pay for medical, grooming, food, and housing. (Special needs dogs take 4x longer to get adopted than other dogs). Donate here
  • Buy A Whistle! Whistles are GPS trackers so you always know where your dog is. You put a GPS device on your dog’s collar and download an app. A whistle is giving 20% of each sale to Found Animals/Adopt & Shop. Also, if you use the code GARBANZO you’ll get a $25 discount. Be sure to use this link when purchasing so the money gets credited to Garbanzo.
  • Buy Dog’s Day Out merch. Tshirts, tank tops, mugs, bags, and more. $5 from each sale goes to fund our programs. Check out our swag here.
  • Adopt Garbanzo! Learn more about Garbanzo and apply to adopt here
  • Sign up for email updates here or join the Dog’s Day Out Facebook group here.

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Michelson Found Animals Adopt & Shop is a unique store with a mission – Saving Pets. Enriching Lives. They offer pet adoptions, pet supplies, grooming, and dog daycare, all in one location. All of their pets come from local shelters and as a nonprofit, all of the profits go back into programs to save more pets. Their goal is to help reduce pets being euthanized in shelters, offering a way for customers to be a part of their mission.

You have to buy dog food and other supplies anyway, right? So why not shop at a store that also supports dogs like Garbanzo? Check out Adopt & Shop’s locations here:

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Track your pet’s location on-demand from your smartphone with Whistle GPS Pet Tracker. Whistle combines the best on-collar GPS tracking device with a simple mobile app, putting your pet’s needs and location right at your fingertips whenever you need it. It’s also the first device and app system to combine location-tracking and smart activity monitoring into one simple experience. 

Whistle also helps ensure your pet gets the right amount of daily exercise they need for their breed, age, and weight. You can create a custom daily activity goal for your pet, based on their specific needs, and Whistle will let you know when your pet has reached their daily goal. (how cool is that?)

If you purchase a Whistle by clicking on this link, 20% of the sale will go directly to Found Animals Adopt & Shop to support Garbanzo and other special needs dogs like Garbanzo. Use code GARBANZO at checkout to save $25.


Partial or total loss of vision can be present from birth, may happen suddenly as a result of injury or illness, or may come on gradually due to old age. Some of the more common and serious canine eye disorders that can cause blindness are cataracts, glaucoma, progressive retinal atrophy (PRA), and sudden acquired retinal degeneration syndrome (SARDS). With assistance, blind pets can lead relatively normal and functional lives.  A veterinarian will recommend some basic safety concepts, such as examining for potential hazards in the home. He or she will also schedule regular follow-up exams to ensure that any ocular inflammation is controlled and to ensure, if possible, that the dog’s vision is maintained. 

Rocky Kanaka is an Emmy Nominated TV host for the Netflix show Save Our Shelter, entrepreneur, and Pet Rescue Advocate. Rocky started working with pets over a decade ago when his passion for healthy foods carried over to his pets. As a pet chef Rocky’s business The Dog Bakery ships healthy fresh baked dog cakes and treats nationwide. When Rocky is not traveling the nation helping homeless pets you can often find him in one of his Los Angeles bakeries working on new recipes your dog is sure to love.

Rocky spends a large amount of his time focusing on philanthropy. Rocky can currently be seen on The CW’s Hidden Heroes, Netflix’s Save Our Shelter, and on his new YouTube series DOGS DAY OUT.