Dog Dumped at Shelter with Teddy Bear Melts Hearts After Giving Birth

Animal shelters will do all they can to help each and every pet that comes into their care, but sometimes they have to ask for help. In cases when a city shelter becomes overcrowded or simply does not have the knowledge to care for a dog’s medical needs, they’ll reach out to a network of animal rescues and nonprofits who can step in.

Dog Dumped at Shelter with Teddy Bear

Luckily for one emaciated mama dog who found herself in need of help, the Dogwood Animal Rescue Project in Sonoma County, California, was able to assist the Bay Area shelter where she was abandoned. The rescue heard about the vulnerable young Labrador, whom they later named Amber, late in the evening of March 12 after she was found, but they had to wait a while to pick her up for a very special reason.

Found Just in Time

Thankfully, someone saw Amber shortly after she was tied up outside the shelter alongside her beloved teddy bear. That’s because the very skinny and very pregnant dog went into labor that same night! She had shelter volunteers there to keep her comfortable throughout labor and birth, but by the morning of March 14, Amber and her six newborns were ready to move to the rescue.

Dog Dumped at Shelter with Teddy Bear

While it may be easy to think negatively about the person who left Amber, Dogwood volunteers reminded everyone to extend grace in situations like this. In one of many Facebook posts they explained, “We think maybe her owner cared about her and was just completely desperate. Maybe he was homeless or had no way to care for her, but he left her somewhere safe.” Whatever the situation may be, we hope he one day sees her story and learns that she and her babies are OK.

A New Morning, A New Life

Dog Dumped at Shelter with Teddy Bear

Amber and her babies were well taken care of a the Bay Area shelter, but they could truly begin their road to recovery at Dogwood. After the rescue’s evaluation, the puppies appear to be healthy, although one sadly passed away shortly after the family’s move. This is not uncommon when a mama dog is underweight or under stress.

This sweet rescue Lab is practically a baby herself. She’s estimated to be 1-2 years old and is “very, very sweet.” She is quite underweight, but continues to improve every day, and–for the most part–has been dealing with the trauma of the last few days quite well. As expected, she slept for almost the entire first day at Dogwood, but she also remained very attentive to her puppies.

Dog Dumped at Shelter with Teddy Bear

However, she experienced a difficult time on March 16. She seemed restless and confused, and was suddenly not connected with her puppies. Fortunately, this was a temporary bout of postpartum anxiety. Amber has been through so much, but she was feeling calm and acting like herself again in a matter of hours..

Although this little family did not have an ideal start to life, the future is looking bright for them all. Mama and pups will all be up for adoption after the 8-week mark, and those interested in adopting are encouraged to keep an eye on the Dogwood Animal Rescue Project Facebook page for updates.

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