This Dog Was Shot 50 Times & Living In Constant Pain Until This Happened.

Melody, the owner of a small rescue farm, Magic Melody’s Meadows, found him injured on the side of the road and knew right away she had to save him. At the time, she wasn’t sure what was wrong with him, other than he was bleeding.
When she brought him to the vet, she heard something she’d never expected: Buddy had been shot (likely by a local farmer) and had so much buckshot in him that it would be impossible to surgically remove…he’d have to live with the 50+ buckshot embedded painfully inside of him the rest of his life.
No one knows who shot Buddy, but word of his inspiring attitude spread wide and caught the attention of a dog treat company, Relievet.

After hearing about Buddy’s story, Relievet reached out to Melody to offer him a possible solution: one-of-a-kind, two-ingredient dog treats.
Amazingly, all it took was two ingredients to make Buddy’s pain go way down. He stopped chewing on tables to relieve his pain, and his tail-wag reached a new level of swag!
When the internet heard about Buddy’s story, these treats went viral!
Everyone with a dog suffering from things from arthritis to chronic pain wanted to get their hands on these treats and started posting.
After seeing so many posts, we investigated further to see what the two ingredients were.
The first of the two ingredients is organic beef liver.
Guess what the other ingredient was. Find out here!