Sick of Your Dog’s Barking? This One Weird Trick Will Quiet Them Down

If you have a fur baby who loves to bark, you are not alone. Some dog breeds are naturally more vocal than others, while other dogs bark for attention or out of habit. Constant barking can become frustrating and disruptive, but there is hope! With a few simple strategies, you can get your dog to stop barking, and begin to restore peace in your home.

How to Get A Dog to Stop Barking

How to Get A Dog to Stop Barking

Dogs bark for a number of different reasons, and it’s important that they have a chance to do so at the appropriate times. Barking can signal fear, alert you to strangers, or warn of potential danger.

However sometimes dogs bark to get your attention, because they want to go outside or be let out of their crate, or simply out of boredom. The easiest way to manage a noisy dog is simply to ignore them, and then teach them how to be quiet.

When your dog barks and you give them what they want to make them stop, they are essentially being rewarded for that behavior. The solution is to break this cycle of reinforcement by completely ignoring the barking behavior and not giving in to their demands. Once your dog realizes their noisiness will not be rewarded, they will eventually stop barking. Once quiet, you can reward them with treats, praise, or attention to positively reinforce the desired quiet behavior. With consistency, your dog will understand barking excessively is unproductive, while remaining calm and quiet earns rewards.

Here’s what the humane Society Suggest in a recent TikTok:


Looking for ways to manage a noisy pup? You're BARKING up the right tree. Follow for more Pet Tips!

♬ original sound – The Humane Society of the US

1  How To Get a Dog To Stop Barking Out of Boredom

Keep Them Busy. If your dog is barking due to boredom, provide them with an activity. Experts agree that a tired dog is less likely to bark than one with pent-up energy. 

Exercise is crucial, but if you don’t have time for a walk or game of fetch, keep special puzzles, toys, or treats (like a Kong) on hand that you can give them when you need them to be quiet.

How to Get A Dog to Stop Barking

2.  Drown Out The Outside Noise (My Favorite Trick!)

Sometimes just hearing outside noise can be a trigger for your dog to bark at the unknown. Try white noise machines, fans, or even the sound of the TV can help keep the noises at bay. My favorite is noise canceling headphones for dogs or quiet ears.

How to Get A Dog to Stop Barking

3. How To Get a Dog To Stop Barking In the Crate

While ignoring excessive barking and providing mentally stimulating activities are effective solutions to keeping your dog quiet in their crate, there are a few other alternatives worth trying as well.

Studies suggest that music may have a calming effect on dogs, much like it does on humans. Not only does it tend to stave off barking, but it was also found to lower respiratory rates and cortisol levels, the stress hormone. Classic music, reggae, and soft rock all have an overall calming effect on dogs. Need a playlist? This YouTube video provides hours of calming music (and might even alleviate some of your stress!).

How to Get A Dog to Stop Barking

Make your dog’s crate a cozy haven. Donut-shaped beds with high sides are ideal because your pup can snuggle into them (with their favorite blanket or toy, of course). Covering the crate may also help your dog feel more safe and secure.

Never use the crate as a punishment. Your dog needs to understand that the crate is their own special space, somewhere they go when they’re tired, want to be comfortable, or need their own quiet time.

Make sure the crate is located in a comfortable area for your dog. Putting the crate in a damp basement or cold garage may be intimidating or even scary, especially if it’s somewhere they don’t usually spend time.

Some dog owners even have two crates in different areas of the house, like in the living room when they’re hanging out with the family and in a bedroom when it’s time to sleep.

4. How To Get Your Dog To Stop Barking at People, Places, and Things

How to Get A Dog to Stop Barking

Does your dog bark excessively at certain triggers? These stimuli could be anything from a passing car to a squirrel in the yard or another dog. The Humane Society recommends an effective training method to teach your pup not to bark at these triggers, but it requires patience and time.

“Start with the stimulus (the thing that makes them bark) at a distance. It must be far enough away that they don’t bark when they see it. Feed them lots of good treats for maintaining eye contact with you and not barking.” Use their favorite treats, and give them out with gusto!

After they are comfortable with the first step, it’s time to bring the stimulus closer, whether it be a few inches or a few feet. Repeat the process above, and don’t forget the treats. If your dog begins to bark, back the stimulus off until they stop barking. Repeat until they no longer bark.

It’s important to reinforce the desired behavior (silence) with treats every time, and not to rush the process. With time and persistence, your furry friend will learn that remaining quiet in the presence of their triggers is a behavior worth rewarding.

5  Teach Your Dog the ‘Quiet’ Command

While some commands are trickier to teach, if you’ve been practicing positive reinforcement techniques and the other tools we’ve mentioned, teaching your dog the ‘quiet’ command should be relatively simple.

How to Get A Dog to Stop Barking

Make sure to have plenty of your dog’s favorite treats on hand, and when there are no other distractions, create a scenario you know typically triggers barking, like a knock at the door or doorbell. When your dog starts barking, check the source by looking out a window or through the door’s peephole, as you normally would.

Next, walk back to your dog and get their attention while waiting for the barking to stop. As soon as they quiet down, give them a treat and verbal praise. As you continue practicing, gradually increase the amount of time your dog must remain quiet before receiving the treat. 

Introduce a cue word or phrase like “Quiet” or “No Barking,” using it consistently whenever the barking occurs. With repetition, your dog will associate the cue with the desired behavior of remaining silent.

6  Avoid Yelling At or Punishing Your Dog

How to Get A Dog to Stop Barking

Yelling at your dog is not an effective long-term solution to stop excessive barking. In fact, it may worsen the behavior as dogs perceive yelling as a threat, leading to chronic anxiety in some pets.

Punishment is also counterproductive and will only lead to fear and confusion. Positive reinforcement is always the best approach. While teaching your dog that quietness wins rewards, keep the training positive and fun. If you feel your nerves fraying, take a break – your dog will sense your frustration, and the training won’t be productive.

Consistency and patience are key to successful training, and results may vary among different dogs. By providing a calming environment, a cozy crate space, and addressing any underlying anxiety or boredom, you can effectively manage excessive barking and promote a more peaceful home for both you and your furry companion.

Barking FAQs

Why is my dog barking excessively?

There are various reasons for excessive barking, including attention-seeking, territorial behavior, boredom, or anxiety. Understanding the type of barking can help address the root cause.

How can I stop my dog from barking for attention?

Ignore the barking behavior and avoid rewarding it with attention. Instead, reward your dog with treats and praise when they stop barking. Providing mental stimulation through puzzle toys can also help curb attention-seeking barking.

How do I teach my dog to stop barking?

During training sessions, create situations that typically trigger your dog’s barking. When they start barking, wait for them to stop, then immediately reward them with treats and praise. Consistently rewarding the desired quiet behavior is key.

Can crate training help with excessive barking?

Yes, crate training can be effective for managing excessive barking. Introduce the crate as a positive, comfortable space for your dog, not a punishment. Provide puzzle toys or chews to keep them engaged and quiet while crated.

How can I stop territorial barking?

For territorial barking, try desensitizing your dog by gradually exposing them to the triggers (passersby, delivery people, etc.) from a distance, rewarding them for remaining calm and quiet. Move closer as they improve.

What role does positive reinforcement play?

Positive reinforcement is crucial when training your dog to stop barking. Rewarding your dog with treats, praise, or playtime when they stop barking reinforces the desired quiet behavior.

Should I punish my dog for barking?

No, punishing or yelling at your dog for barking is counterproductive and can worsen the behavior. Focus on positive reinforcement and rewarding quiet behavior instead.

How can dog owners address boredom-related barking?

Provide plenty of mental and physical stimulation through interactive toys, puzzle feeders, and daily exercise. A tired, engaged dog is less likely to bark out of boredom.

How to get neighbors dog to stop barking

Dealing with a neighbor’s barking dog can be challenging, but there are several steps you can take to address the issue effectively and amicably:

1. Communicate with Your Neighbor: Start by talking to your neighbor politely. They might not be aware of the disturbance their dog is causing. Be friendly and express your concerns without blaming them. Sometimes, a simple conversation can lead to a quick resolution.

2. Suggest Solutions: Offer suggestions that might help reduce the barking. This could include keeping the dog inside during certain hours, using anti-bark collars, or providing more toys and activities to keep the dog occupied.

3. Use a Noise Complaint App: Some communities have specific apps or online platforms where you can anonymously report noise complaints. This can be a more formal way to address the issue without direct confrontation.

4. Contact Animal Control or a Community Mediator: If talking to your neighbor doesn’t work, consider contacting local animal control for advice or seeking the help of a community mediator. They can provide guidance on the laws in your area and may help mediate the situation.

5. Look into Local Ordinances: Familiarize yourself with local noise ordinances or laws regarding pet behavior. If the barking violates local laws, you may be able to file a formal complaint.

6. Install Noise-Reducing Barriers: While this doesn’t stop the barking, adding soundproofing materials to your home or planting dense shrubbery can help reduce the noise entering your living space.

7. Use White Noise Machines: To help drown out the barking when you’re inside, consider using a white noise machine or fans to create a more peaceful environment.

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