Puppy Mill Dog ‘Rescued’ Into House With Hundreds of Dogs

Video Transcript

Ashley (Valentine’s Adopter):
The first time she walked in, she was very hesitant, like shelled up.

Rocky Kanaka:
You can tell she’s never had a home that made her feel safe.

Valentine's first time home

My fiancé and I both looked at each other, we were like, “Are we sure?” Like “she’s not liking us. We’re not really vibing.” She was actually a part of a puppy mill and she was kept in pretty bad conditions. She had two litters of puppies before she was a year old. Really? It was probably before she was nine months old.

After being forced to breed for the puppy mill, she was rescued.

That rescue actually turned out to be a hoarding case. There was hundreds of dogs on that property, really in tight quarters and definitely not in the best living conditions. She would escape the house often to try to look for food and resources, obviously.

Luckily Ashley and her fiancé adopted Valentine and did whatever they could to make her feel safe.

Puppy Mill Dog adopted

I looked at her and I was like, this is it, this is our dog and we need to get her. And it was like definitely a gut instinct that it was meant to be.

So at that point we were her fourth home. It took her a while to just figure out what to do with herself. She didn’t wanna walk around her house. She really wanted to stay in the foyer of her home by the door. It was hard to kind of, to pull her in. We ended up doing with food. She’s very food motivated, and then she pretty much just stuck around her bed. I think she kind of made that like her safe space when she first came in.

“Good morning… Good morning, Tiny! Hi.

Valentine laying down in a funny way

The next morning, when I came downstairs out, came Valentine and all of her personality. A flip switched overnight and I think she realized I’m home. You could almost tell like a weight was lifted off of her.

She’s fun, bubbly, very playful. She definitely is very much still like a puppy. We like to say she’s almost making up for lost time because she really wasn’t able to be a puppy for the first year of her life. So everything is new to her. Everything is an adventure.

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Ashley continues:
Also does a happy dance whenever we feed her or she literally hops backwards with her feet, like a deer in the air, her food happy dance is like my all time favorite because she’s just such a food motivated dog. But cuddling is definitely her favorite thing. She likes to like nuzzle her little head right on you and just pass out.

Valentine nuzzle her head on her mom

I think for my fiancé and I we always say she’s like our first child, because she’s just so sweet and just brings so much joy to our day. So she’s really just like this light constantly that we’re surrounded by, and she just makes every day so much better.

I give rescue a chance because it’s so it changes you and it changes the way that you view dog rescue in ways that you could never imagine. Have an open mind, because we were so surprised by how much love Valentine gave to us that really like what we’ve done for her is nothing compared to how much she has given back to us.

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