Puppuccino Recipe from Pet Chef Rocky Kanaka

how to make a pumpkin puppuccino for your dog

We all love our pooches which is why we try and buy them the best foods, give them the comfiest beds, and shower them with the warmest of snuggles. So in that spirit, I have got to tell you about the Puppuccino! The Puppuccino is one of my favorites treats for my pups. And today I’m going to share my puppuccino recipe with you.

Puppuccino Recipe

The Puppuccino was made famous by Starbucks and by all of the videos I’ve made treating rescue dogs with puppuccinos, but of course they’re best when homemade with love. Here, I’m going to break down what you need to know to make this simple treat at home, how often you can share one with your pup, and what you can do to make yours just that much more special!

Prepping a Pumpkin Puppuccino

Starbucks might make it seem like it’s hard to make a puppuccino, but that’s far from the truth. These delightful treats are simple to make and, for our four-legged friends, simple to enjoy!

If you’d like a bit more guidance, you can follow along with my instructional Puppuccino Recipe video above or keep on reading!

Before we start, it’s worth noting a few things. First always consult your vet if you have any questions. Puppuccinos are considered a treat and should be given in moderation. Dairy and other ingredients in whipped cream is in no way healthy or part of a balanced diet. The Puppuccinos at coffee shops are typically heavy whipping cream and have the potential to really cause an upset stomach. Read my tips below for more dog friendly whipped cream.

Puppuccino Recipe – The Ingredients

ingredients for a puppuccino

You don’t need much to make one of my delightful puppuccinos. In fact, you only need three things: pumpkin purée, whipped cream and a pumpkin topping. However, before we begin, it’s important to know that you shouldn’t run out and pick up just any purée or whipped cream.

1 First, you’ll want to find plain pumpkin purée. This is commonly sold in cans. 1–2 small 16 ounce cans are perfect. You’ll also want to ensure there aren’t any additives. We’re going for pure pumpkin purée. Pumpkin is perfect for promoting your pup’s digestion after indulging in a puppuccino. You can buy pumpkin puree made just for dogs, or make it yourself. Here’s a recipe I like.

2 You’ll also want to pay attention to the type of whipped cream you’re picking up. Vegan whipped cream works great as does oat or coconut whipped cream. These brands vary by store, but most natural food stores will have them. Look for a dairy free, almond free, low sugar version. Pro tip – the tubs are typically better values than the spray can and work just as well. You can simply spoon them into the Puppuccino cup. Here is an example of a vegan oat based whipped cream from Whole Foods.

3 Pumpkin Topper. Made from all natural pumpkins this is a fun thing to sprinkle on top to boost flavor even more, along with some cinnamon. Get it from Raw Paws Pet Food.

Pumpkin topper for dogs

Once you have your supplies ready, it’s time to start prepping!

1. Combine & Mix

Before you start, find your desired serving container. You should use a mug or coffee cup for a genuine puppuccino experience. 

Add a small amount of pumpkin purée to the container.

Next, using a large bowl, add as much whipped cream as you feel is appropriate for your dog. Naturally, a single serving of puppuccino will need far less than multiple servings. Pour the pumpkin purée in afterward; because the purée is heavier, it naturally sinks to the bottom of the bowl.

Use a whisk to whip the mixture up. It should be a nice, light peach color. The consistency will be light and fluffy.

2. Layer to Serve

Rocky serves up a puppuccino

Locate those cups from before! Add some of the whipped topping atop the existing pumpkin purée. You don’t need to mix this; instead, let it sit. In a clear glass or plastic container, it’ll look a lot like a real cappuccino.

For smaller breeds, such as chihuahuas, you’ll only need a scoop or two. Larger dogs can tolerate more.

Once you’ve poured the mixture out, add a dab (or swirl, if you’re using a spray nozzle) of plain whipped cream on top.

For a truly elevated puppuccino, add a tiny dash of cinnamon! This excites your pup’s senses and gets them hyped up for their treat.

3. Serve It Up

willie eats a puppuccin
Willie, a blind lab puppy, enjoys his first puppuccino

You’re done! Two quick steps are all that you need to make a delightful puppuccino. Now that it’s ready, call your pup over and let them lick up their sweet treat. You’ll need to be ready for a bit of a mess, though, because this delightful little cup will likely leave globs of whipped cream all over the place! See how easy it was to make following along with my puppuccino recipe?

Watch my Puppuccino video series!

Puppuccino FAQ

Now that you’ve made your puppuccino (or purchased one from a local shop), you might have a few questions. Your concerns are perfectly valid, and we all want the best for our pups. So, let’s go over some of the common queries around these popular treats.

Can I Buy Puppuccinos?

The short answer to this question is yes!

With their rising popularity and low cost to make, puppuccinos are becoming increasingly popular offerings at coffee shops around the world. The most common place to find a premade puppuccino is Starbucks. When you’re ordering your drink, politely ask for a puppuccino for your friend. The baristas will provide it at no extra cost. Other chains that serve puppuccinos (or something similar) include:

  • Dunkin Donuts
  • Shake Shake
  • Dairy Queen (pup-sized ice cream cup)
  • Chick-Fil-A

Many local coffee shops also offer puppuccinos! Just ask nicely; the worst they can say is no. Here is a detailed list of about 25 places that offer free pup cups.

How Often Can I Serve Puppuccinos?

Like all treats, puppuccinos should be served in moderation. These should not be given daily, perhaps not even weekly! A puppuccino is an occasional fun treat. These desserts are full of fat and sugar, which can easily upset your pup’s stomach and cause issues down the road if provided in excess.

Can I Add Extras to My Puppuccino?

Yes! The recipe for a puppuccino is not rigid. You can easily add-in, subtract, and substitute ingredients as needed. If your pup has any dietary restrictions or concerns, be sure to take those into account when making your puppuccino.

Common puppuccino additives to spice up your dog’s “coffee” experience include:

  • Salmon oil
  • Cheese
  • Yogurt

What Should I Avoid in My Puppuccino?

It’s safe to say that you should avoid anything that your dog is allergic to. If you have a dog with many allergies or sensitivities, it will be harder to create a safe puppuccino for them.

In addition to individual restrictions and sensitivities, there are certain things you’ll want to avoid for all of your pups. These include:

  • Artificial sweeteners, especially xylitol
  • Nuts, particularly almonds
  • High fat cream
  • Chocolate
  • Coffee
  • Raw dough
  • Excessive sugar

If your pup is lactose intolerant, be sure to take that into consideration and adjust the recipe as needed. If you really want to play it safe, get in touch with your local veterinarian before you start your puppuccino journey. They’ll be able to recommend ingredients based on your dog’s size and personal history. Moreover, if there are any dietary restrictions for your pup, they may even be able to recommend substitutions you can make in your recipe.

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