Top 9 Dog Breeds That Get Along Purrfectly with Cats + Best Dog Breeds for Cats
Does the question, “Do cats and dogs get along?” leave you scratching your head in uncertainty? You’re not alone.
There’s a stereotypical belief out there that dogs and cats, since time immemorial, share a mutually hateful relationship. Well, because dispelling long-held myths is something close to our hearts, here’s a truth you should commit to memory: there are certain dog breeds that can — or will at least try to — live in perfect harmony with your household cat. Yes, some dog breeds and cats are like two peas in a pod; inseparable.
A second truth is, it’s very much possible for a dog and cat to end up being ride-or-die buddies, even if they didn’t hit it off well in the beginning.
Don’t believe us? Meet Oskar and Riley, a cat and dog serving friendship goals on the internet. If you’re among the many people who — before bumping into this article — were completely convinced that cats and dogs can’t get along, we hope Oskar and Riley have shifted your belief for the better.
Now, getting Fido and Kitty to go from archenemies to peaceful housemates isn’t something you can achieve by waving a magic wand. Even with these cat-friendly dog breeds, you have to put in the work…. you know, ensuring strictly supervised introductory sessions and training your pup not to cross your cat’s boundaries.
Being actively involved in managing your cat-dog interactions during the initial stages is important, especially if your cat is declawed (since the lack of claws may make your feline feel defenceless in front of your dog). In doing so, you’ll teach your dog to respect your cat’s boundaries by intervening when they try to scare off your declawed feline companion.
Generally speaking, the personality traits and overall temperament of a dog breed greatly determine whether they’ll live in lasting harmony with your cat. Almost all — if not all — the best dog breeds for cats have a calm temperament and a friendly, easy-going disposition.
With that in mind, here are nine dogs that get along with cats and are likely to fall paw over whiskers for them, according to the American Kennel Club:
1. Cavalier King Charles Spaniels

Admired for their regal appearance, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are recognized as one of the friendliest, sweetest, and gentlest breeds to own. The Cavalier King Charles Spaniel — who warmed the laps of royalties throughout history — are highly sociable dogs that mesh pretty well with other pets.
Cavalier King Charles Spaniels tend to form strong bonds with every member of the household, including cats. They aren’t notoriously territorial and thus won’t give your feline companion a hard time. It’s like this lovely toy breed has one goal in life: to spread love and positive vibes to anyone around them.
Let’s just say, Cavalier King Charles Spaniels are fantastic with cats for the very same reason they’re great with kids: they’re simply good-natured pets who try as much to choose happiness over chaos.
In a threaded Reddit discussion on Cavaliers and cats, Reddit user @UnicornsMakeMeVomit emphasized the importance of properly introducing your Cavalier to your feline. “When we had our Cav, he did great with our two cats. As long as you introduce them correctly and make it clear that he/she cannot chase the cat, you should be good.”
2. Basset Hounds

Instantly recognizable by their droopy faces, large floppy ears, mournful eyes, low-slung bodies, and short legs, Basset Hounds are one of a kind.
The Basset Hound is often described as a laid-back, patient, affectionate, and sociable breed that reminds you of the simpler joys of life: staying calm, taking things easy with everyone, and loving every household member, including the family cat.
This gentle scent hound — which traces its roots back to France — is pack-oriented and thus wholeheartedly welcomes the company of other pets. It’s not surprising that the Basset Hound is considered one of the best dogs for cats. Their all-around friendliness makes them a worthy addition to households with a feline family member.
In a threaded Reddit discussion on Bassets and Cats, Reddit user @Sockowl shared: “My parents’ Basset gets along great with the cat! They chase each other and wrestle. And when no one’s looking, they cuddle. He’s sassy with the other dog when it comes to food, but the cat doesn’t affect him at all.”
3. Beagles

We’re yet to come across anyone who can resist the Beagle’s soulful eyes, floppy ears, overall cuteness, and happy-go-lucky spirit. Originally bred to hunt in packs, Beagles thrive in company and thus do well in families with other pets.
Beagles are innately amiable; you’ll hardly find them caught up in squabbles with your feline companion. They’re known to be highly tolerant of cats and other pets, and thanks to their cheerful, playful nature, can bring out the best in your feline.
So, if you’re on the search for dog breeds good with cats, the Beagle is worth considering.
In a threaded Reddit discussion on Beagles and cats, Reddit user @DrFunkalupicus shared: “My current Beagle, Beatrice, and my cats get along great. They actually play with each other, and it’s hilarious watching either of the cats pounce on the beag….she’s such a gentle, trainwreck of a dog.”
4. Golden Retrievers

Ranked as one of America’s most popular dog breeds, it’s not hard to see why Golden Retrievers win hearts everywhere. They are super friendly, gentle, social, eager to please, sweet-natured, and among the dogs good with cats.
What we’re trying to say is, the Golden Retriever is more than just a smiley, fun-loving face. Just as their name implies, they have a golden heart, too.
Goldens are often keen on maintaining good relations with everyone in the household, including the family cat. They have big hearts that accommodate other pets without throwing a fit.
In a threaded Reddit discussion on Golden Retrievers and cats, Reddit user @glogriffco stated: “Kitten joined our family when Rigby the golden was 3, and it couldn’t have been a better match. It took some time for everyone to learn their boundaries, but soon, they were the best of friends. We’d catch them napping together most days of the week.”
5. Bulldogs

Centuries ago, the Bulldog used to be a ruthless bull baiter. Today, he is a loving, amiable, easy-going dog who exercises tolerance and patience with everyone, including children and household cats.
Bulldogs are not overly energetic dogs, so that means they’d rather chill quietly on the couch than terrorize your feline family member. It’s no wonder Bulldogs are recognized as one of the dogs that are good with cats. Beneath that fierce-looking, muscular exterior is a gentle dog who’ll gladly cohabitate and bond well with the household cat.
In a threaded Reddit discussion on Bulldogs and cats, Reddit user @CRtwenty shared in a thread: “Our Bulldogs get along fine with the cats. We had one pair where the cat would clean the Bulldog’s face while he slept. It was super cute.”
6. Border Collies

Described as highly intelligent, trainable dogs with a soft spot for herding, Border Collies make incredible family pets, particularly for active families who like to head out often.
Being a member of the herding group, Border Collies are pros at spending time around other animals without being a bother to them. This smart, even-tempered dog has the potential to form a harmonious relationship with feline family members.
Sometimes, though, their herding instincts may kick into high gear, making them have an instinctive urge to pursue your cat as they would livestock. In this case, behavioral modification training will come in handy to help your Collie redirect their herding urge elsewhere, not on your cat.
In a threaded Reddit discussion on Collies and cats, Reddit user @runstreak shared: “Border collie and 2 household cats here. All three of them seem to occupy their own space and mind their own business. However, pup randomly chases cats, and cats are generally not interested, with rare exceptions. I do notice that the cats no longer sleep on the bed as they had previously. The border collie leaps on the bed, and BC clearly rules the roost. We are trying to mitigate this.”
7. Papillons

Anyone who says they don’t fancy having a toy breed has definitely never encountered a Papillon.
Nicknamed the “butterfly dog” because of their gorgeous ears which look like stretched-out butterfly wings (the word papillon also loosely translates to butterfly in French, by the way), Papillons are charming, happy pups historically bred for noble companionship. Thankfully, their historical role as companions has, centuries later, not changed.
Papillons simply love having company around — be it their favorite humans or the household cat. Since the Papillon is hard-wired for companionship, they aren’t choosy about who they’d spend their time with when everyone’s away. That means, a Papillon would be more than happy to be left at home with the family cat than be all alone.
Papillons — originally referred to as Dwarf Spaniels — are highly sociable pets who’ll likely resort to undesirable behaviors if left without company.
So, if your checklist for the perfect family dog includes a pup with tons of beauty, brains, and tolerance for felines, the Papillon is the dog for you.
In a threaded Reddit discussion on Papillons and cats, Reddit user @lovelylittlebird commented on a thread on Papillons and cats: “I got my Pap a year ago and we already had a cat. She ADORES the cat, they play together, and even when they annoy one another, they can communicate without anyone getting hurt.”
8. Pugs

Considered a gentle, sweet, sociable, and easy-going dog who loves to play, the Pug was historically kept as a lapdog by Chinese royalties. Pugs possess a happy-go-lucky spirit that enables them to forge strong friendships with other pets, including cats.
You’ll hardly find the Pug going around looking to cause chaos, nor do they possess a strong prey drive that may prompt them to constantly chase after your feline companion.
If you’re a pet lover torn between adding either a cat or a Pug to your family, we’re here to tell you that you don’t have to choose — add both! The chances of you witnessing a harmonious relationship unfolding between your Pug and kitty are super high.
In a threaded Reddit discussion on Pugs and cats, Reddit user @No_Beat_1284 shared: “My cat came first, we got the pug 2 years ago when he was 7. They get along pretty well. We never introduced them to be honest, we jus let it happen naturally. We brought the pug home, and the cat kept his distance for a few days but slowly started coming to see the pug for a brief period. This increased and now they’re best friends. They play together and it’s so cute.”
9. Labrador Retrievers

Shocked to see the Labrador Retriever — or Lab, as they’re affectionately called — in the list of dogs that like cats? We think not.
Occupying the second spot as the most popular dog breed in the U.S., the Labrador Retriever is cherished for its even temperament, friendliness, and outgoing personality.
If you’re a Lab owner, you might already know that this breed doesn’t discriminate on who will have a piece of their big hearts. They accommodate every family member, from the adults to kids and the household kitty.
It’s not unusual for a Labrador Retriever to receive a new cat sibling with a wagging tail; being friendly comes naturally to them.
The key to success is to introduce them when the Lab is a puppy. “If you bring a Lab pup into a house full of cats, the cats will very quickly teach the young pup who’s in charge. If the pup pushes boundaries, they will be quickly and consistently corrected,” said Reddit user NFTY_GIFTY. “You should soon have a happy household and the pup and cats will be great friends.”