These 12 Dog Breeds Have the Shortest Lifespans. Steer Clear if You Can’t Handle Loss

It’s long been said that adopting a dog is more or less adopting a future heartbreak, given their woefully short lifespans….well, compared to ours. What’s even worse is we have to face the nerve-racking reality that some breeds have way shorter life expectancies than other breeds. 

Generally speaking, a majority of the shortest-living dog breeds often comprise large and giant breeds. Scientists attribute this to the fact that large dogs age rapidly compared to their smaller counterparts due to the strain that their big bodies endure. Ultimately, this leads to them developing serious age-related conditions at an earlier age than smaller pups, impacting their overall longevity.  

Moreover, research also reveals that the bodies of larger dogs often focus more on rapid body development and less on cell repair. Consequently, this contributes to increased cellular stress and reduced defenses against serious health conditions such as cancer. In other words, large dogs are more susceptible to an array of medical problems at a younger age than smaller pups.

Here’s some good news, though — what if we told you there’s something in the works to help you extend your dog’s life expectancy? And no, we’re not talking about cloning your dog. 

A biotech firm in San Francisco is developing a first-of-its-kind lifespan drug for dogs to help our canine friends stick around much longer. The average lifespan of a dog is around 10-13 years, which means this drug will play a big role in extending our canine friends’ longevity.

While the promise of a dog lifespan drug is certainly tantalizing, it’s essential that you still play your part in helping your furry friend achieve a longer life expectancy. This includes prioritizing a healthy diet, ensuring they exercise regularly, and going for veterinarian check-ups often.

With that in mind, here are 12 dog breeds with the shortest lifespans that you’ll want to cherish every single minute with:

1. Bernese Mountain Dog 

Close up of a Bernese mountain dog lying on a ground with snow, Bernese mountain dogs are among the dog breeds with the shortest lifespans

2. Irish Wolfhound 

An Irish Wolfhound standing near the lakeside, Irish Wolfhounds are among the dog breeds with the shortest lifespans

3. Great Dane

A black and white Great Dane lying on the grass with tongue out, Great Danes are among the dog breeds with the shortest lifespans

4. Leonberger 

Close up of a Leonberger standing on field with grass, Leonbergers are among the dog breeds with the shortest lifespans

5. Newfoundland 

A close up of a Newfoundland with mouth open and tongue slightly on the side, Newfoundlands are among the dog breeds with the shortest lifespans

6. Saint Bernard 

Close up of a Saint Bernard standing with tongue out, Saint Bernards are among the dog breeds with the shortest lifespans

7. Dogue de Bordeaux

Close up of a Dogue de Bordeaux, Dogue de Bordeauxs are among the dog breeds with the shortest lifespans

8. Scottish Deerhound 

Close up of a Scottish Deerhound standing on a field of grass, Scottish Deerhounds are among the dogs breeds with the shortest lifespans

9. Rottweiler 

A leashed Rottweiler with its owner on a sidewalk, Rottweilers are among the dog breeds with the shortest lifespans

10. Bull Mastiff 

A Bull Mastiff on a red carpet, Bull Mastiffs are among the dog breeds with the shortest lifespans

11. Mastiff

Mastiff standing in a field with long grass, Mastiffs are among the dog breeds with the shortest lifespans

12. English Bulldog 

An English Bulldog stnding on a field of grass, Bulldog Mastiffs are among the dog breeds with the shortest lifespans

Average Lifespan of Breeds