16 Dogs That Shed So Much, They’ll Cover Your Room in Fur (With Photos)

Owning a dog means dealing with fur. Even dogs with short coats shed, and finding fur on your clothes is an unavoidable fact of dog ownership. However, if you want to avoid heavy shedding that requires daily attention, you can avoid these breeds of dogs that shed the most.

It’s hard to say which of these sixteen dog breeds is the worst shedder—they’re all breeds that shed a lot! To avoid arguing over which dog owners do the most vacuuming, coat brushing, and de-shedding, let’s meet the dog breeds that shed the most in alphabetical order.

1. Alaskan Malamute

Credit: @LifeWithMalamutes and @Spunky_Vapes1Backup

2. Bernese Mountain Dog

Credit: @Katla_The_Berner and @Reuby_BMD

3. Cardigan Welsh Corgi

Credit: @Maxwell.The.Corgi and @WallieTheCardi

4. Chow Chow

Credit: @Chaoness and @Barney_Bear_Chow

5. German Shepherd

Credit: @Zeus_Rhea_GSD and @Caro_The_Shepherd

6. Golden Retriever

Credit: @Annabelle_Nashville_Beau and @Leonardo.Dagoldi

7. Great Pyrenees

Credit: @KobeThePyr and @HazardousAdventures

8. Labrador Retriever

Credit: @Clyde_TheChocolateLab and @BossTheBlackLab

9. Leonberger

Credit: @BurgerTheLion and @HagridTheLeo

10. Newfoundland

Credit: @TheDewfie_Newfie and @DynamiteNewf

11. Pembroke Welsh Corgi

Credit: @Harry.ThePotato and @RenBellesAndFred

12. Pomeranian

Credit: @IzzyTheGallant and @DogoneGrooming

13. Saint Bernard

Credit: @BoozerSaintBernard and @Saints_MiloAndShelby

14. Samoyed

Credit: @SamoyedMelker and @StellaTheCub

15. Shiba Inu

Credit: @Shiba.Lucas and @Levi.Shiba

16. Siberian Husky

Credit: @ItLooksLikeKilled and @RockyHuskyy