This homeless dogs reaction to seeing the ocean for the first time will make your day!

Video Transcript

Rocky Kanaka (Animal Advocate):

At first, Homer didn’t want anything to do with the ocean, and that’s fair enough after everything that he’s been through. You may have seen Homer’s story on the Dodo. Someone misused a backyard leash and abandoned him. I’ve been fostering him for months to give him time to heal.

homeless dogs reaction to seeing the ocean for the firs time

In fostering, I’ve learned you can’t tell a dog to trust you. You have to show them. Homer had no reason to trust humans. I knew I needed to take the first step to show him that I really trusted him. So I took him off leash for the first time ever and it’s like he just knew.

Homeless dog

That’s a good boy! that’s amazing! Oh… That makes me so happy and out of breath! The smell and the sound and the feel, it’s all so much of a new experience and so it just takes a little time. Good boy! <laugh>.

homeless dogs reaction to seeing the ocean for the firs time

Rocky Continues:

Good boy! I’m excited to announce that Homer is officially available for adoption. Even if you personally can’t adopt Homer, you can help by sharing this story so that we can spread the message and find him a loving forever home.

homeless dogs reaction to seeing the ocean for the firs time

Thank you to everyone who’s been on this journey, and especially members. If you wanna become a member, hit the membership button below. Whether you wanna learn more about what it’s like to foster a dog or just to support, I would love to have you as a member watch more on the Dodo.

<Dodo Video> So I just wanted to sit with him and just slowly get a little bit closer so that he knows it’s going to be okay.

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