These Forgotten Senior Dogs Stole Our Hearts – Now They Need Homes
Everyone wants a puppy or a young, energetic dog. Puppies are adorable and lots of fun, and the idea of raising a dog into adulthood is very appealing. Young dogs can keep up with active families and will give you years of love. But, what happens to the senior dogs who need homes when everyone wants puppies?

The Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary in Mt. Juliet, Tennessee recently shared a TikTok video of some of their senior residents that tugs at the heartstrings. The video reminds us that these adoptable senior dogs were once someone’s baby. Many of these senior dogs had owners who could no longer care for them, leaving them without a home or a family. At Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary, staff and volunteers do everything possible to baby their senior residents and make them feel loved and safe.
Unfortunately for adoptable senior dogs, nothing can compare to having a forever family to live out their golden years with.
Should more people consider adopting older adult and senior dogs instead of puppies? Yes, and I’ll tell you why!
@oldfriendsseniordogs They are our babies now!! We focus on their future, not the past, ensuring the best for every Old Friend in their golden years. 💛 Located in Mt. Juliet, TN, we pull seniors from shelters, rescues and animal control centers in the Middle TN area, providing lifetime care and hoping to find them loving forever homes with Geezer Guardians. 100% donor-funded, we cover all medical needs and more for their LIFE- even once they find a home. Your support keeps our mission alive! Visit if you're nearby or consider adopting a senior dog in your area— they all deserve loving homes! #oldfriends #seniordogsanctuary #seniordogsoftiktok #ofsds #rescuedogs #animalsanctuary #viral #mitski ♬ My baby my baby – FrankOceanLover911
Puppy vs. Senior: Benefits of Owning an Older Dog
Puppies being in high demand is only natural—who wouldn’t want a round, floppy, joy-filled puppy?
Well, taking care of puppies is hard. Puppies are a full-time job, and having a young dog in your home is almost like having a human toddler running around unaccompanied. Puppies get into trouble, they have accidents, they chew furniture, and they struggle to sleep through the night. Some puppy owners even get something called the “puppy blues” and feel trapped, overwhelmed, and anxious about their huge responsibility.

Senior dogs are a lot easier to manage than puppies. Sure, seniors might have accidents now and then, but most adult and older dogs come to your home fully house-trained. Senior dogs also don’t have to go through neurological development, so their behavior is more predictable than a puppy’s.
Senior dogs are also great at sleeping through the night, and you won’t find yourself sinking into sleep deprivation after adopting a senior. Some senior dogs still love to be active, and like to go on walks, play with toys, and socialize, but they can also enjoy moments of calm and don’t need constant entertainment like a puppy does.
Where To Adopt a Senior Dog

If you live in or around Mt. Juliet, Tennessee, consider becoming a forever foster for Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary. Forever fosters care for their senior dog for the rest of that dog’s life but still receive medical care and support from Old Friends Senior Dog Sanctuary.
You can also visit your local shelter where you are guaranteed to find senior dogs who need a forever home!