The Reason Why This Dog Was Surrendered Is Ridiculous.

In a world where we often hear stories of pets being abandoned for the most trivial reasons, Auggie’s story stands out. This tale is not just about a dog who was returned to a shelter but about the love, compassion, and hope that surrounds these innocent beings.

Auggie, a dog with floppy ears and a heart full of love, was given up by his family. The reason? His family returned him because they believed he had grown “too big.” It’s heartbreaking to think that someone could give up on a pet for such a superficial reason. “That’s literally what they wrote on the intake form; he grew too big,” Kanaka commented. But Auggie’s story doesn’t end there.

As Rocky interacted with Auggie, the bond was evident. “Just getting to feel their heartbeat, it just kind of slows down and time freezes for both of us. It’s so nice,” Rocky said. “I don’t care if my dog got bigger than Clifford, the big red dog. I wouldn’t return him to the shelter.” Such sentiments resonate with true pet lovers who see beyond size or any other physical attribute.

I don’t care if my dog got bigger than Clifford, the big red dog. I wouldn’t return him to the shelter

Rocky Kanaka

“Let me tell you something. You are not too big. You are perfect,” Rocky said to Auggie. “I don’t know how someone could return a sweet dog like this.”

But Auggie’s journey at the shelter took another turn. A couple, who had recently lost their dog, came to see another dog named Vince. While Vince wasn’t the right fit for them, they decided to meet Auggie. Their interaction was heartwarming. Auggie, being the affectionate dog he is, greeted them with his signature hug. However, the couple was unsure. They had concerns about how a new dog would fit into their life, especially with elderly parents at home.

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The couple’s visit to the shelter was a significant step. They were not yet ready to adopt, but their willingness to open their hearts and consider giving a dog like Auggie a second chance was commendable. As another speaker pointed out, sometimes the heart takes time to heal after a loss. But the act of visiting the shelter, of considering adoption, speaks volumes about their character.

The story of Auggie is a reminder of the love and compassion that exists in the world. It’s about second chances, hope, and the belief that every pet deserves a loving home. Auggie may not have found his forever home yet, but with the support and love of the community, his happy ending is just around the corner.