Street Dog Hungry And Sick Until This Happens
Prue (Director MissionPAWsible)
Hi, baby! Hi darling! Oh my goodness…
Rocky Kanaka (Animal Advocate):

Putri was found roaming the streets completely hairless and emaciated. It was clear she needed immediate medical attention. <Wait>. Time was of the essence, but Putri wasn’t letting anyone near her. It’s
It’s OK sweetheart. We are here to help you.
It took a few days, but Putri was finally caught. She was then transported to the clinic.
When they got to the clinic, she was completely freaking out just from her anxiety. Putri was incredibly thin and malnourished, which meant that she had no nutrients, which caused the skin to be even worse. Without nutrition, she couldn’t fight off the scabies, fungal, and bacterial infection that was ravishing her body.

In the clinic they started her treatment. She was one of the worst cases and she was incredibly scared. She spent four weeks in the clinic healing the skin condition, and thankfully we had an incredible application from a foster. We said to her, Look, we’ve got a really special dog. And she said, “Yeah, I’m down.”
Kelly (Putri’s Foster Mom):
The first few days that she was with me, she hid deep in the bushes in my garden. I didn’t see her at all for those first few days. She wouldn’t even come out to eat the food that I placed just outside of the bushes. So I realized this dog is way more terrified and has a lot more trauma than any of us initially realized. This was going to take some time.

Thankfully, over the course of the next couple months, Putri started to gain trust in Kelly. You
You could tell that she really wanted to do these things. She was just absolutely terrified. Slowly in the night she was coming and sleeping closer and closer to the house. I was eventually able to start scratching her. She made incredible but slow progress that wouldn’t seem like much for another dog, but for Putri was just absolutely monumental.
Her first big milestone was going for a walk around the block. As more time passed, Putri began to let others pet her and give her treats. After working with her for over a year, Putri had come to life.
And at this point I thought she has come so far, she’s ready to find her forever family. She would need a really patient and really understanding and calm family, and we just weren’t finding that. And as much progress as she had made, she wasn’t a normal dog.

She’s so sweet and she’s so funny, and she’s so silly, and she’s so happy and she’s so smart that you didn’t understand why all of these potential adopters were still falling through.
Kelly Foster Putri for over a year and then found her forever home with an amazing couple Putri even gained a sister during her adoption.
She loves going for hikes, going for walks, and learning new tricks and skills.
“Putri, Lay down. Good Girl!”
She has worked so hard to overcome her fears. She deserves all of the happiness and the love and the joy that life has in store for her. She is right where she needs to be.

If you love dogs as much as I do, make sure you subscribe and turn on notifications. Share this if you love Putri’s story and if you wanna help MissionPAWsible, they’re doing some really neat things. They’ve been helping dogs in Bali for almost 10 years now, and with the help of all of you donating, they’ve actually been saving up to build their new healing center to help even more dogs. I’ll put all that info in the first comment below, so go check it out and if you can help even a little bit, it’ll go a long way.