Are You Team Dog or Team Cat? 12 Traits That Reveal Your True Side

Just like there are differences between cats and dogs, there are differences between cat people and dog people. Dog people are more extroverted and rule-following. Cat people are more introverted and intelligent. But the differences don’t stop there…
Here are some of the other ways cat people and dog people are different.
1. Dog People Don’t Have Boundaries

It’s really hard to put your guard up when you live with an animal that has no problem sticking its head in people’s crotches. Dog people are extroverted to the point of telling a total stranger their social security number just to make conversation.
2. Cat People are Private

Cat people don’t just have walls up, they have roofs up, too. Cat people have cats so they don’t have to be around people. But they’re used to being alone, because their pet is under the bed half the time, busy with hiding/plotting.
3. Dog People Wish Their Pets Were People

If a dog were a human, it would be the most optimistic and supportive person to walk the face of the earth. So basically, it would be Tom Hanks. Who wouldn’t want Tom Hanks to be real?
4. Cat People Wish They Were Their Pets

All cat people secretly want to be a cat. And why wouldn’t they? Cats are the closest thing the animal kingdom has to royalty. A cat owner isn’t the cat’s living companion. They’re the cats full time staff – personal chef, waiter, secretary, maid, and pool boy. Why does a cat need a pool boy? That’s something only a cat person can answer, because they know exactly how upset a cat will be if they don’t have one.
5. Dog People Can’t Stand it When Someone Doesn’t Like Dogs

Anyone who says they don’t like dogs is literally the worst person to have walked the face of the Earth. They shouldn’t be trusted, nor should you be within a ten block radius of them. They must be stoned immediately, but in lieu of stoning, a dog person will show them photos of their dog, because, obviously, their dog is so cute that little Fido could change anyone’s mind – even if that person was mauled by a pack of feral Huskies two days ago.
6. Cat People Totally Get Not Liking Cats

A cat person totally understands not liking cats. Cats are jerks. They have a dominant jerk gene. A cat barely tolerates their owner, and they depend on them for survival. In fact, their cat spends 80% of its day plotting to how to use its talons to kill the person who brings it literal food. Cat people totally understand that getting mad at a cat for being a latent murderer is like getting mad at the sky for being blue.
7. Dog People Like Unconditional Love

The best thing about owning a dog is all the love! No matter who you are or what you did, your dog will react as if you told him you just won the Nobel Peace Prize. Coming home? It’s celebration time! Eating dinner? Time to jump for joy! Breathing air? You’re a rockstar! Time for kisses. You could be the person responsible for getting that barge stuck in the Suez Canal, and your dog would still greet you wagging your tail – even if it could grasp the magnitude of what you did. There’s no bottom to the well of a dog’s love.
8. Cat People Like Unconditional Rejection

A cat person knows that nothing they do will ever make their cat happy, and that’s part of the appeal of owning a cat. They could hand craft a bed made out of silk and gold, and a cat would sniff it, give it a dirty look, then walk away with its butt in the air. Cat people just love bending over backwards, sideways, then backwards again to impress something that will never, ever be impressed. It’s about the journey, not the destination, right?
9. Dog People Care About Their Dog’s Breed

If you ask a dog person what kind of dog they own, they’ll pull out a 23 and Me of their dog’s lineage. He’s part Irish Setter, part Husky, part Dalmatian, part Show Poodle, part Silky Terrier, part Yorkshire Terrier, part Coyote, but all cuddles. And a he’s a rescue, of course.
10. Cat People Go Off Color, Not Breed

Cats don’t have breeds. They have colors. And each color means something. Black cats are mean. Orange cats are playful, but also mean. Calico cats are mean, but in a different way. There are also cats with no color (just skin). Those cats are mean, too.
12. Dog People and Cat People Both Love Animals, So They’re All Good People

At the end of the day, a pet is a pet – a living creature that you’ve decided to take into your home and keep alive. If you love dogs or if you love cats, you’re a good person for nurturing an otherwise helpless animal. Unless you’re a fish person. Fish people are a whole different story…