Incredible Video Shows Service Dog Protecting Mom During A Seizure
In 2001 a woman named Tina started having migraines and seizures at age 23. She went to countless doctors and neurologists hoping to find some medication to help. Sadly, even injections taken regularly didn’t completely stop the seizures. In 2018, now age 40, a devastating seizure wiped Tina’s memory causing her to lose major pieces of her life.

Enter Max the German Shepherd. Max was given to Tina as a service dog who detects and protects her during seizures. He also comforts her as she deals with her memory loss.
Tina, who goes by @tina_n_max on TikTok, uploaded a video that captured Max performing an alert. The now viral video, set appropriately to the tune of “If I Didn’t Have You,” shows just how valuable having a service dog can be when you suffer from debilitating seizures. (Watch The Video Below)
An Unexpected Demonstration Of Max’s Skills
When the video begins, Tina stands at her kitchen sink washing dishes. A caption over the video explains:
“This was supposed to be a training session clip but he alerted to something I didn’t know was coming!”

After a second, Max suddenly lifts his head and sniffs, then gets up off the floor where he was lying. He starts trying to get his mom’s attention.
Despite the fact that he is still in training for service dog duties, Max seems to already have a pretty good grip on what to do. He clearly senses something wrong and knows he has to tell his mom about it.
For a few seconds, Tina doesn’t realize Max is trying to alert her. As she moves away from the sink, she takes a step forward, and Max starts to head her off. Max then nudges his mom to slide underneath her.

By putting his body underneath hers, he’s ensuring her head doesn’t hit the ground and she won’t hurt herself. This is an essential skill of a seizure alert dog. With this knowledge, Max can save his mom’s life.
Tina explained this particular situation in a comment on the video:
“He wasn’t giving up! I totally missed the first alert. I thought he wanted some lovins.”
Watch the entire incredible clip on TikTok:
@tina_n_max My lifesaver 💜#Max#Tina #fyp #epilepsyservicedog #germanshepherd #dogsoftiktok #bestfriends #epilepsyawareness #epilepsywarrior ♬ If I Didn't Have You – Thompson Square
Following Max’s Training Journey
The unexpected demonstration video has been viewed nearly 8 million times. Plus, that video is just one of many on Tina and Max’s TikTok displaying the astounding abilities of trained service dogs.
Max has learned how to help his mom in all kinds of situations. He knows what to do if something happens in the shower, or if there’s a distance between them and Tina experiences a seizure.

Dealing with epilepsy and migraines, in addition to her memory loss, can be very emotionally draining for Tina. Thankfully, Tina has Max to calm her and give her love. It’s just another reason why service dogs can be amazing helpers as well as incredible friends.