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November 14, 2023
Explore the fascinating origins of ‘pet’ and its significance in language. Discover a diverse list of words and dog names starting with ‘pet,’ each with unique meanings.
October 26, 2023
Rescued from neglect, Freddy faced unique challenges with her dental condition and past trauma. Discover this pup’s heartwarming journey from adversity to hope.
October 11, 2023
Did you know Spuds MacKenzie inspired cartoons and a hit song? Explore the cultural impact of this legendary Bud Light character in our blog.
October 9, 2023
Today, let’s embark on a tail-wagging journey through time and meet five ancient dog breeds that have miraculously avoided extinction and are still with us, spreading joy and love.
September 15, 2023
The debate has been raging since the dawn of mankind, since human beings domesticated the first animals and began developing a relationship that would last for eons to come – […]
August 29, 2023
In a world where the internet has seamlessly woven itself into the fabric of our daily lives, it’s no surprise that even our furry companions have taken center stage in […]
August 28, 2023
We humans have this knack for finding reasons to celebrate, from birthdays to anniversaries to National Pizza Day (because, let’s face it, pizza deserves its own day). But what about […]
August 17, 2023
Whether your pup embodies the spirit of a bold red or the elegance of a fine white, these wine names for dogs are sure to make your pet’s name as memorable as a fine vintage.
August 16, 2023
From iconic designers to runway-worthy trends, we’ve curated a collection of fashion-inspired designer dog names that will make tails wag and heads turn.
August 15, 2023
With temperatures soaring, a group of compassionate individuals set out to provide 100 Shaved Ice for Shelter Dogs in Hawaii.