The Blue Doberman Mystery: Beauty, Elegance, and Uniqueness Revealed!

A dog breed so unique and recognizable that almost everyone can pick it out in a crowd, the Doberman Pinscher commands attention wherever it goes. Typically, this king among dogs has a gleaming black coat with accents of rust, but did you know that the Doberman Pinscher also comes in blue? 

Thanks to a recessive dilute gene, a Doberman’s pigment that would ordinarily be black is transformed into a beautiful blue-toned grey. When paired with rust, blue Dobermans are considered breed standard and are highly coveted by enthusiasts of rare dogs and breed conservation alike.

Blue Doberman
Source: @sircassiusking

In this guide, we’ll introduce you to some of the most beautiful Doberman Pinschers you’ll ever see, and teach you what you need to know to make one of these magnificent dogs part of your family!

Meet 5 Blue Dobermans from Instagram

Get ready to set your eyes on dogs that look so good, they should be full-time models! The Doberman Pinscher is a statuesque dog, and these gorgeous blue ones are positively breathtaking. Take note of the variety of blues you’ll see in these individual dogs—some have dark, steely-grey fur while others are almost as light as Isabella. 

1. Draco

Darco the Blue Doberman
Source: @DracoTheBlueDobie

This handsome blue and rust Doberman is Draco from Norman, Oklahoma! Draco is five years old and a super snuggly boy who would rather be under a blanket or snoozing on the bed than anywhere else. See how Draco’s nose is the same shade as his fur? The blue dilute gene doesn’t just affect fur, it lightens skin pigment, too!

2. Aspen

Aspen the Blue Doberman
Source: @AmyEiler

Aspen (center right) is a gorgeous blue and tan Doberman Pinscher who belongs to a pack of four! This is a good chance to get a look at some different Doberman colors including an albino Dobie (left), a black and rust Doberman (center left), and a chocolate and rust Doberman (right). 

3. Thor

Thor the Blue Doberman
Source: @Blue_Doberman_Pinscher

Thor is a very handsome five-year-old blue and tan Doberman from Las Vegas who has legs for days! Sweet Thor has an even and sweet temperament, but he also has that classic Dobie watchfulness built into his DNA. 

4. Astrid

Astrid the Blue Doberman
Source: @AstridTheBlueDoberman

Don’t mistake beautiful Miss Astrid for a Weimaraner—she’s a blue and rust Doberman Pinscher with floppy ears! Astrid is five years old and lives in Philadelphia with her humans who make sure she has tons of toys, gets to do agility, goes on lots of walks, and enjoys a wide selection of delicious and nutritious treats. 

5. Bruce

Bruce the Blue Doberman
Source: @Life.Of.Bruce.And.Nova

Bruce (left) is a gorgeous blue and rust Doberman whose sister, Nova (right), helps him show off that amazing diluted color. Can you see the subtle difference in their hues? It almost looks like the Doberman-printer ran out of ink!

Blue Doberman Basic Info

While some breeders might make it seem like you’re encountering a rare blue Doberman Pinscher, blue is a standard color for this breed! Blue is a diluted color produced by a recessive gene that lightens black pigment to produce a steely grey tone. You might even see some people refer to blue Dobermans as blue-grey Doberman Pinschers. 

Blue fur is coveted in the dog world, but it’s 100% natural, and blue Dobies can even be shown at official dog shows! Now that you’ve had a chance to meet a few blue Dobermans and you’ve worked up an appetite for some dog facts, let’s dive into the details of owning this breed. 

Blue Doberman Temperament

Blue doberman

Known for their watchfulness and loyalty, Doberman Pinschers form such close bonds with humans that some are described as “velcro dogs”. Because Dobermans are often “one-person dogs” they may experience separation anxiety and be wary of strangers and new situations at first. Thanks to a high level of intelligence, training, and early socialization can help prevent or manage these behaviors. 

“[Dobermans are] great dogs. High energy, very intelligent. You have to train them or they will walk all over you. They expect there to be an alpha and if you aren’t it, they will happily take the lead. I’ve had three Dobermans…they were all very affectionate and extremely protective of the family.”  

Reddit comment

Sometimes brave to a fault, the Doberman Pinscher is tenacious and determined and will push itself to the limit trying to reach a goal or complete a task. Thoughtful dogs who may be prone to touches of neuroticism and obsessive behavior, Dobermans do well when given a “job” and plenty of mental stimulation in addition to regular exercise. 

Dobermans are affectionate and love to snuggle when relaxed, and are often good with respectful children. However, some Dobermans can be a little nervous, and not all will be comfortable with small children, so this is not a breed commonly recommended to families with young kids. 

Blue Doberman

High-energy and curious, Dobermans are often used as working dogs and guard dogs, and excel at canine sports and training. Though they can be focused and precise, Dobermans respond best to humans with gentle confidence who are experienced dog trainers. The Doberman is not a breed for a beginner. In the right environment, Dobermans can become very relaxed and will turn into “big babies.” 

“[Dobermans are] the best dogs I’ve ever had and known! They’re more sensitive than you might expect and their feelings get hurt. Training is easy peasy…be gentle with them!” 

Reddit comment

Blue Doberman Size

The Doberman Pinscher is a large breed that stands 24–28 inches tall and weighs between 60–100 pounds when full grown. 

Blue Doberman Health

Dobermans are often healthy dogs but may be prone to several health problems unrelated to having a blue coat. The blue dilute gene is only associated with one health issue, which we’ll cover in a moment. Otherwise, you’ll only need to know about general breed-specific health problems, like:

  • Bloat
  • Hip dysplasia 
  • Eye issues (e.g. progressive retinal atrophy)
  • Skin infections
  • Von Willebrand’s disease (a clotting disorder)
  • Heart issues (e.g. cardiomyopathy)
  • Hypothyroidism 

Color dilution alopecia—sometimes called “Blue Dog Disease”—is a genetic skin condition that causes hair loss and skin problems in some blue dogs. Skin issues related to CDA typically manifest as itchy or flaky skin, and the hair loss may vary in severity. Typically, dogs with color dilution alopecia will regrow their fur, though they may lose it again after regrowth. 

Where To Find Blue Doberman Puppies

A blue Doberman puppies
Source: @sircassiusking

Especially because blue dogs carry a genetic mutation associated with a skin issue, it’s super important to find a responsible breeder if you plan to buy a blue Doberman Pinscher puppy. Ethical breeders perform extensive genetic testing on their dogs to do their best to eliminate inherited health issues and pair the healthiest, most compatible dogs. 

To start browsing reputable breeders of blue Doberman Pinschers, we suggest starting with the American Kennel Club marketplace or the Doberman Pinscher Club of America’s breeder referral list

Of course, we always recommend considering adoption if it’s an option for you! There are tens of thousands of dogs in need of homes, and many of them are purebred dog breeds like Doberman Pinschers. Here is a fantastic resource listing Doberman Pinscher rescues by state

Blue Doberman Pinscher FAQ

Find answers to your specific questions about blue Doberman Pinschers here—we’re answering everything on your mind!

Is the blue Warlock Doberman Pinscher a scam? 

Yes, Warlock Dobermans are a SCAM! The “Warlock Doberman” is an urban legend created by money-hungry backyard breeders. Rumored to be an extra-large variety of the breed, unethical breeders sold puppies for extra-high prices simply by calling them “Warlocks” and claiming their dogs were extra large. Never purchase a puppy from a breeder advertising their dogs as Warlock Dobermans

What colors of Dobermans are accepted by the AKC? 

The American Kennel Club (AKC) recognizes four official Doberman colors. These colors align with breed standards and are permitted at official dog shows. The official Doberman Pinscher colors include: 

Black and Rust
Blue and Rust
Fawn and Rust
Red and Rust

Other colors—like white or blue fawn Dobermans, for example—may be AKC registered but do not conform to breed standards and cannot be shown for breed conformation. 

Do blue merle Dobermans exist? 

No! If you see someone advertising a blue merle Doberman, it is not a purebred Doberman Pinscher. The merle gene doesn’t exist in the Doberman breed, so producing a merle Doberman puppy would require crossing a Doberman with a second breed. 

What is a blue albino Doberman? 

A blue albino Doberman is a blue Doberman Pinscher that also has albinism, which eliminates all pigment. Blue albino and black albino Dobermans look identical since all albino Dobermans are pure white, which is considered a breed defect. Often, white-colored dogs like white Dobermans are prone to congenital health issues like blindness and partial or total hearing loss. Albinism is also the only way to produce a full-grown blue-eyed Doberman. While most Dobermans are born with blue eyes, very few adults retain this color. 

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