
Here's What You Need To Know:
- Pending Adoption? no
- Pet's Size: medium
- Pet's Gender: Female
- Pet good with dogs? yes
- Pet good with cats? yes
- Pet good with kids? yes
UPDATE: Dawn was ADOPTED! Congratulations, Dawn!
UPDATE: Dawn was rescued from the shelter and is at Frosted Faces, a senior dog rescue. She still needs a forever home though. If you would like to adopt Dawn, apply here.
Dawn, a senior Bull Terrier girl, was found by a good samaritan and kept for a week safe in their home where she apparently did well with their grandchild before having to turn her into the shelter. She has health ailments that Brenda, one of the Veterinary Technicians at Animal Friends of the Valleys, goes over for Rocky as he sits with her to give her company in her senior years, hoping she will be adopted.