Here's What You Need To Know:

  • Pet's Location : Anniston, Alabama
  • Pet's Age : Senior
  • Pet's Breed : pitbull
  • Pet's Gender : Female
  • Pet's Size : medium

Anne loves all people and especially adores kids!

The undisputed Queen of Pout, her perpetual look of disdain belies her perpetually happy heart. Just give her a pat, a kind word, or her beloved treats and that pout becomes a smile. Yes, Anne is quite the foodie, and she’ll have a conversation with you about it if you wait too late or take too long to dole out the goodies. All food is great, and treats…well, just whoa! She is also a real star when it comes to playing dress-up and shows signs of being housetrained.

Anne refuses to act the old lady in spirit, but her body isn’t cooperating with her “forever young” game plan. Anne has arthritis in her lower spine/back end, an “old lady” bump on her knee, and at a recent vet visit, it was also discovered that she has diabetes.

She accepts her insulin shots with a wag of her tail and is getting spoiled by staff, but she really needs to be in a home. Integrating with another dog at this point would be too challenging, but she is non-reactive through a fence, on leash, or at the store. She requires minimal-to-no stairs Due to complications of her diabetes Ann has lost most of her vision.