Does The 80-10-10 Raw Dog Food Diet Offer Optimal Health?

In the ever-evolving landscape of pet nutrition, a new trend has emerged in recent years known as the 80-10-10 raw dog food diet. This unconventional approach aims to mimic the ancestral diet of dogs, consisting primarily of raw meat, bones, and organs. Proponents of this diet argue that it enhances overall health, vitality, and longevity for our furry companions. However, as with any nutritional approach, there are both supporters and skeptics. In this article, we delve into the fundamentals, benefits, and controversies surrounding the 80-10-10 raw dog food diet.

80-10-10 Raw Dog Food Diet

What is the 80-10-10 Raw Dog Food Diet?

The 80-10-10 raw dog food diet is a concept grounded in the principles of biologically appropriate raw feeding, often abbreviated as BARF. This diet is inspired by the belief that dogs should consume foods that mirror their ancestors’ diets in the wild. As the name suggests, the diet is composed of 80% muscle meat, 10% raw bones, and 10% organs, with the latter including liver, kidneys, and other nutrient-rich parts.

Advocates of this approach emphasize the importance of providing dogs with a diverse array of fresh and unprocessed foods, avoiding grains, fillers, and additives typically found in commercial dog food. They argue that this diet supports the canine’s natural digestion, promotes strong teeth, bones, and muscles, and helps maintain a healthy coat and skin.

Principles of the 80-10-10 Raw Dog Food Diet

80-10-10 Raw Dog Food Diet

Biological Appropriateness:

The 80-10-10 raw dog food diet takes into account the evolutionary background of dogs as carnivorous animals. It aims to meet their nutritional needs with whole, raw foods that closely resemble what their ancestors would have consumed in the wild.

Nutrient Balance:

By providing a balanced ratio of muscle meat, bones, and organs, this diet intends to ensure that dogs receive all essential nutrients like proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals for optimal health.

No Fillers or Additives:

The 80-10-10 diet excludes grains, artificial preservatives, and other additives that are commonly found in commercial pet foods, which some believe can be harmful to dogs.


Advocates encourage a diverse diet, including various meats such as beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, and fish, to offer a broad spectrum of nutrients and reduce the risk of nutrient deficiencies.

Benefits of the 80-10-10 Raw Dog Food Diet

80-10-10 Raw Dog Food Diet

Proponents of the 80-10-10 raw dog food diet highlight several potential benefits that dogs may experience when switched to this ancestral-inspired diet:

1. Improved Digestion:

As dogs are naturally designed to digest raw meat and bones, supporters argue that the diet can lead to better digestion and reduce issues like constipation and diarrhea.

2. Healthy Teeth and Gums:

Chewing on raw bones can act as a natural toothbrush, helping to keep their teeth clean and reducing dental problems.

3. Shiny Coat and Healthy Skin:

The diet’s focus on wholesome, unprocessed foods is believed to enhance a dog’s coat and skin health, resulting in a shinier and softer fur.

4. Enhanced Energy and Vitality:

Advocates claim that the diet’s nutrient-rich components may boost dogs’ energy levels and overall vitality.

5. Potential Allergy Relief:

Some believe that eliminating grains and additives could alleviate allergies in certain dogs.

6. Weight Management:

The raw dog food diet is believed to assist in maintaining an ideal weight for dogs, as it can reduce the risk of obesity often associated with commercial pet foods’ high-calorie content.

Controversies and Concerns

80-10-10 Raw Dog Food Diet

While the 80-10-10 raw dog food diet has its proponents, it also faces criticism and concerns from veterinarians and pet nutrition experts:

1. Nutritional Imbalance:

Detractors argue that achieving the perfect balance of nutrients, especially over the long term, can be challenging and may lead to deficiencies or excesses if not carefully managed.

2. Bacterial Contamination:

Raw meat may carry harmful bacteria like Salmonella or E. coli, which can pose health risks to dogs and their human families.

3. Bone Fragmentation:

Some worry that raw bones can splinter and cause internal injuries if not adequately prepared or monitored during consumption.

4. Zoonotic Disease Transmission:

The potential for zoonotic disease transmission raises concerns about humans getting infected by handling raw meat or through contact with dogs on this diet.

Is the 80 10 10 Raw Dog Food Diet The Same As BARF?

80-10-10 Raw Dog Food Diet

Yes, the 80-10-10 diet is one of the variations of the BARF diet (Biologically Appropriate Raw Food or Bones and Raw Food). The BARF diet is a concept that advocates feeding dogs and cats a diet that closely resembles what their wild ancestors would have eaten in the wild.

The 80-10-10 diet is a specific formulation within the BARF diet framework, where the diet consists of 80% muscle meat, 10% raw bones, and 10% organs. This balanced ratio aims to provide a biologically appropriate and natural diet for dogs and cats, mimicking the nutritional composition of the prey they would have hunted in the wild.

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The BARF diet, in general, encourages feeding raw meat, bones, and organs to pets, while also incorporating some fruits and vegetables to provide additional nutrients and fiber. It emphasizes feeding whole, unprocessed foods to provide the necessary nutrients for optimal health and well-being.

While the 80-10-10 diet is one of the popular formulations within the BARF diet philosophy, there are other variations of the BARF diet as well, with different ratios of ingredients and slight variations in the types of foods included. Each variation is aimed at providing pets with a diet that is biologically appropriate and meets their specific nutritional needs as carnivorous animals. As with any raw food diet, it is essential to consult with a veterinarian or a pet nutritionist before implementing any significant dietary changes to ensure the diet is balanced and suitable for your pet’s individual needs.

What are some variations of the BARF Diet?

80-10-10 Raw Dog Food Diet
Source: Paleo ridge

1. PMR (Prey Model Raw):

The Prey Model Raw diet is a more simplistic approach to raw feeding, attempting to replicate the diet of a wild carnivore’s prey as closely as possible. It consists mainly of whole prey animals or parts, without the inclusion of fruits, vegetables, or other plant-based ingredients.

2. RMB (Raw Meaty Bones):

The Raw Meaty Bones diet centers around providing a variety of raw meaty bones to dogs and cats, including muscle meat and connective tissues attached to bones. Some versions of RMB may include small amounts of organs, but the focus is primarily on raw bones and muscle meat.

3. BARF with Veggies and Fruits:

Some raw feeders prefer to include a small portion of vegetables and fruits in their pets’ diet to provide additional nutrients and fiber. These ingredients are often pureed or finely chopped to aid in digestion.

4. Whole Prey Diet:

The Whole Prey Diet attempts to feed pets whole animals, or at least larger portions of the animal, to replicate the natural prey animals they would encounter in the wild. This can include small game birds, rabbits, or other small animals.

5. AFR (All Raw Feeding):

The All Raw Feeding diet is an approach that focuses solely on raw ingredients without any cooking or processing. It aims to provide a diverse and biologically appropriate diet for pets.

6. BARF with Supplements:

Some raw feeders choose to add specific supplements to ensure their pets receive all essential nutrients, including omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, and vitamins, to meet their individual nutritional needs.

How does the 80/10/10 differ from other raw dog food diets?

80-10-10 Raw Dog Food Diet

The 80/10/10 raw dog food diet stands out from other raw dog food diets due to its specific and balanced ratio of ingredients. While various raw diets for dogs exist, the 80/10/10 approach is notable for its adherence to the following principles:

1. Balanced Ratio:

The complete raw dog food 80/10/10 diet strictly follows the 80% muscle meat, 10% raw bones, and 10% organs ratio. This specific balance aims to provide dogs with essential nutrients, including proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, mimicking the natural diet of their wild ancestors.

2. Simplicity:

Unlike some other raw diets that might incorporate complex formulations or recipes, the 80/10/10 diet keeps things simple with its straightforward approach to sourcing and combining raw ingredients.

3. Biologically Appropriate:

The 80/10/10 raw dog food diet is grounded in the concept of biologically appropriate raw feeding, emphasizing the importance of feeding dogs foods that align with their evolutionary background as carnivorous animals.

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4. Limited Plant Content:

Unlike some raw diets that may include a variety of plant-based ingredients like vegetables and fruits, the 80/10/10 diet focuses primarily on animal-based components, recognizing dogs’ carnivorous nature.

5. Muscle Meat Emphasis:

The 80/10/10 diet places a strong emphasis on muscle meat, which serves as the primary source of proteins and essential amino acids required for a dog’s overall health and well-being.

6. Specific Organ Inclusion:

This diet ensures the inclusion of various organ meats, such as liver and kidney, which are rich in crucial nutrients like vitamins A and B, iron, and other essential minerals.

7. Nutrient-Rich Bones:

Raw bones are provided to meet the dog’s calcium and other mineral needs. They are typically ground or minced to make them safe for consumption.

8. Emphasis on Fresh and Raw:

The 80/10/10 raw dog food diet promotes feeding fresh, unprocessed, and raw foods to ensure the preservation of nutrients and enzymes that can be lost during cooking.

While other raw dog food diets may have their own variations and approaches, the 80/10/10 diet distinguishes itself with its strict adherence to a specific ratio of ingredients, simplicity, and focus on providing a biologically appropriate and balanced diet for dogs.

The 80-10-10 raw dog food diet represents a significant shift in the way we nourish our canine companions. It draws from the natural diet of dogs’ ancestors, aiming to provide a healthier, biologically appropriate alternative to conventional pet foods. While many enthusiasts praise the diet’s potential benefits, it’s essential to approach it with caution and thorough research.

Before making any dietary changes for your dog, consult with a qualified veterinarian or a pet nutritionist who can assess your dog’s individual needs, health conditions, and the feasibility of adopting the 80-10-10 raw dog food diet. Remember, a well-balanced and nutritious diet tailored to your dog’s specific requirements is crucial in ensuring their overall health and well-being.

FAQs about 80 10 10 raw diet for dogs

Can I buy a raw food commercially so I don’t have to make it?

Absolutely! There are a number of raw food dog food companies. My favorite is We Feed Raw. They have a lot of choice and I particularly like the venison and lamb. Here are some other options: What is the Best Raw Dog Food Delivery Service? The Top 6 Rated & Compared

What is the 80-10-10 raw dog food diet?

The 80-10-10 raw dog food diet is a feeding approach that aims to mimic the ancestral diet of dogs in the wild. It consists of 80% muscle meat, 10% raw bones, and 10% organs, providing a biologically appropriate and natural diet for canines.

Why should I consider feeding my dog the 80-10-10 raw diet?

Proponents argue that the 80-10-10 raw dog food diet can promote better digestion, healthier teeth and gums, shinier coats, and increased energy levels. It is believed to offer a more natural and nutrient-rich alternative to conventional commercial pet foods.

Is the 80-10-10 raw dog food diet suitable for all dogs?

While many dogs can thrive on this diet, it may not be suitable for every canine. Factors such as age, health conditions, and individual nutritional requirements should be taken into consideration. Consulting a veterinarian or pet nutritionist is crucial before making any dietary changes.

Can I prepare the 80-10-10 raw dog food diet at home?

Yes, the 80-10-10 raw dog food diet can be prepared at home using fresh, raw ingredients like muscle meat, raw bones, and organs. However, it’s essential to ensure proper food handling and preparation to minimize the risk of bacterial contamination.

Are there any potential risks associated with the 80-10-10 raw dog food diet?

Some concerns include the risk of nutritional imbalances if not properly formulated, the potential for bacterial contamination in raw meat, and the possibility of bone splintering. Additionally, there might be a risk of zoonotic disease transmission to humans.

How do I transition my dog to the 80-10-10 raw diet?

A gradual transition is essential to avoid upsetting your dog’s digestive system. Start by introducing small amounts of raw food alongside their regular diet, and gradually increase the proportion of raw food over several days or weeks.

What types of raw meat are suitable for the 80-10-10 raw dog food diet?

A variety of raw meats can be used in this diet, including beef, chicken, turkey, lamb, and fish. Offering a diverse range of protein sources can help provide a broad spectrum of nutrients.

Are there any potential allergy benefits to the 80-10-10 raw dog food diet?

Some dogs with allergies or sensitivities to certain ingredients commonly found in commercial pet foods may experience relief when transitioning to a raw dog food diet. However, individual results may vary.

Can puppies be fed the 80-10-10 raw dog food diet?

Puppies have unique nutritional needs for growth and development. The 80-10-10 raw dog food diet can be adapted to suit puppies, but it’s essential to consult a veterinarian or a pet nutritionist to ensure they receive appropriate nutrients during their critical growth stages.

What about 80/10/10 raw cat food?

The 80/10/10 raw cat food diet is a similar concept to the 80-10-10 raw dog food diet, but tailored specifically for feline nutrition. Like their canine counterparts, cats are obligate carnivores, meaning they have evolved to depend on a diet primarily consisting of meat. The 80/10/10 raw cat food diet seeks to mimic the natural diet of wild cats, which primarily consists of raw meat, bones, and organs.

What is the best food for your dog?

The three foods that are super healthy and that almost every dog loves, even the pickiest dogs, are:
1. The Farmer’s Dog.

This is a fresh-frozen food that’s delivered to your home in just the right amounts for your dog. There are a number of fresh frozen dog foods available on the market and I tested them all. The Farmer’s Dog came up the winner with my picky dogs. You can see the fresh frozen food test here.

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2. Sundays Food For Dogs
Sundays For dogs woman pouring into bowl
This is an air-dried food. It has the convenience of kibble (just pour it in the bow) but is much much healthier. It’s like little pieces of jerky, so dogs go crazy for it. There are a number of air-dried foods on the market. My dogs tested 3 of them. You can see the results of the air-dried food test here.

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3. We Feed Raw.

This raw food for dogs comes delivered to your home is perfectly sized portions for your pup. They primarily source their ingredients from trusted U.S. farmers, with two exceptions: venison and lamb. These ingredients are sourced from New Zealand, where some of the highest-quality and most ethically raised venison and lamb can be found. Pasture-raised and grass-fed and finished, we highly recommend trying these formulas if you’re interested in the best-quality ingredients. Save 25% on your first order.


I highly recommend using a supplement on your dog’s food, not matter what you feed them, to ensure the meal is balanced and they are getting all the right supplements to help them stay healthy. The supplement I use is called The One from Front of the Pack. It has 12 ingredients that have been clinically-proven to keep your dog’s joints, skin, heart, digestion, and even their breath in tip-top shape. It’s also a powder, so easy to sprinkle on your dog’s food. For a limited time, when you buy one month you get a second month free.

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