Who Has The Cutest Rescue Pet Of The Real Housewives?

Love it or hate it you still have to admit that there is nothing quite like the drama, the pageantry, and the champagne-wastefulness of The Real Housewives. The smash reality franchise that is often referred to as docu-soap has been running since 2006.

But behind the interpersonal drama plotlines of the series lay many wonderful stories of dog adoption and care. Let’s have brunch and gab about it. 

KYLE RICHARDS (Beverly Hills)

We all know and love Kyle Richards and her sass. Who can forget season two of the RHOBH reunion and that limo scene with Taylor. Beyond the drama, however, lies a heart yearning to take care of her pups. She famously has six pups all of which are rescues and different breeds. Appearances aren’t everything… some of the time.  


Of all the Housewives that have graced our collective screens Lisa Vanderpump might be the most famous in aggregate. The puppygate incident will forever be etched in our minds. But Lisa never failed to put the gossip slinging aside and help rescue dogs. As it stands Vanderpump Dogs is one of the largest rescues in L.A., and we will always remember Giggy, the amazing Pomeranian, that was always by her side. 

WHITNEY ROSE (Salt Lake City)

Whitney Rose may not have been the one arrested on fraud charges, which may be the most “dramatic” thing to happen on any RH, she’s still a firecracker and a half. And it’s for the best that unlike Jen she’s not facing serious jail time because who would care of Louis? Her little Weimaraner is reason alone to watch that show! 

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Aside from hosting dinner parties where wine flows as freely as grievances are aired, she has also been known to host benefits for dog rescues. And happens to own four rescues of her own. Two Pitbulls, a Chihuahua, and a good ol’ fashioned American Mutt. 


Kim and her husband Kroy have opened their hearts and wonderful home to five rescue dogs over the years. Despite a deep scare involving their Husky-Boxer mix named Sinn almost blinding one of her sons in an incident she decided to keep him. Now that’s real devotion.


This Polish maven is a real whirlwind of talent. Aside from her role on the Miami edition of Housewives, she was on Poland’s Next Top Model, and Dancing With The Stars. This is of course when she’s not taking care of her six rescues, and running a rescue org called Angels for Rescues. We wish we had half as much moxie.