5 NFL Stars and Their Furry Mates

The Super Bowl is over and the Los Angeles Rams were victorious, more importantly however – the Puppy Bowl is also over and the winners there are all of us. 

But not so fast! Just because the vast majority of a Football players’ job is on the gridiron doesn’t mean that a lot of them don’t have their own family members that are furry balls of cuteness! So, in honor of the Super Bowl, we wanted to give a rundown of all the cutest dogs in the NFL.

The Rams and Cooper Pup

To start, the Super Bowl champs Los Angeles Rams as a team are sponsored by a service dog named Cooper Pup who will be trained by a non-profit that pairs service dogs with wounded veterans. This is just the most heartwarming thing, but maybe that should be expected of the champs?

Juju Smith-Schuster and Boujee


Pittsburgh Steelers Wide Receiver Juju Smith-Schuster and his French Bulldog Boujee are the absolute GOAT! In the Instagram post Boujee is celebrating a birthday with the requisite birthday crown and table filled with party snacks! Boujee’s entry into his life is adorable. Smith was actually scared of dogs after a negative experience as a child. But when he met Boujee all that changed, and he and Boujee are reportedly insuperable. 

Patrick Mahomes and Steel and Silver


Former Super Bowl champ and Kansas City QB Patrick Mahomes has a soft spot for pups. Not only does he share his life with two adorable Pitbulls named Steel and Silver, but his charity organization 15 and the Mahomies Foundation also has a program with the KC Pet Project to provide free dog food to deserving families. If that isn’t a touchdown for the heart, I don’t know what is. 

Travis Kelce and Rambo and Chauncey

Travis Kelce, The KC Chiefs tight end, takes his two furry family members Rambo a goldendoodle and Chauncey a Pomeranian-husky mix everywhere with him. According to an interview he gave with the Arrowhead Addict he said, “I take them everywhere we go. Last offseason I had Chauncey in the Hollywood hills running in the hills with me, feeling like the little coyote he is.” Pass interference to my soul that is!

Carson Wentz and Hunter, Jersey, and Riggs


Carson Wentz might spend his working hours on the field as the Philadelphia Eagles Quarterback but he spends his family time with his wife, child, and three beautiful border collies Hunter, Jersey, and Riggs. At one point in 2016, when Hunter gave birth to Riggs and 7 other pups Wentz had all of them living with him until the others got adopted. What a dad! 

Tom Brady and Lua, Scooby, and Fluffy

Brady might be the greatest to ever play the game of football, but he’s not too bad leading a game of fetch either. Brady counts three different pups among his doggy family. There’s Lua, a Pitbull, Scooby a Beagle, and then Fluffy. Of course, all of them are rescues, much like how Brady rescues all of his teams with his 4th quarter heroics. Brady loves his dogs so much that he threw them their own parade following the Patriots’ 2017 Super Bowl win.

See also  This Dog Was Chained Up and Left to Freeze—Now She’s Waiting for Someone to Love Her!

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