Heartbreaking: Shelter Puppies Only Get 30 Minutes of Playtime Each WEEK

Cookie (left) and Brownie (right) are currently Oklahoma City Animal Welfare’s longest residents, but at just 9 months old, you’re probably wondering how these puppies got overlooked at the shelter. Indeed, puppies usually get adopted faster than adult and senior dogs, but being young doesn’t guarantee a dog a forever home. 

Factors like breed, social skills, special needs, color, and even the condition of a dog’s pen or kennel can all increase or impair a dog’s adoptability. So, what could be stopping these sweet pups from getting the forever home they deserve? 

From New Surrenders To Long-Term Shelter Residents

Heartbreaking: Shelter Puppies Only Get 30 Minutes of Playtime Each WEEK

Surrendered together as strays, this pair of female Lab mixes are assumed to be siblings and live together in a tiny pen at OKC Animal Welfare. As of this writing, the shelter currently houses and cares for more than 280 adoptable animals—that’s no small task. Even the most well-staffed and funded shelters struggle to keep up with the 24/7 responsibility of cleaning, feeding, and socializing hundreds of dogs. 

Unfortunately, things sometimes fall by the wayside, and Cookie and Brownie’s pen is often smudged with feces, a turn-off for potential adopters. To make matters worse, these young and energetic pups only get to leave their kennel about twice a week for 15 minutes each time. Cookie and Brownie being extra messy, energetic, or destructive is understandable—they never get to release any energy!

Now, Cookie and Brownie have been in the shelter for more than 65 days, and adopters still keep overlooking them. 

@salvage.souls This is Cookie and Brownie. They are currentiy the shelters Longest residents. They were turned in together, found as strays, and thought to be siblings. They’ve been there 65 day, and they're only 9 months old. They are in one of the smallest pens and get overlooked because of the poop in their kennels. They get out of that kennel maybe twice a week for 15 mins… The photos are from a recent community walk they got to take part in. I was told they did wonderful with the kids! If you are located in the Oklahoma City Metro area and are interested in fostering one or both of these babies , please contact Oklahoma City animal welfare. If you are interested in adopting one of these babies and are willing to travel, please reach out to me ❤️ #foster #shelter #rescue #adopt #dogs #outreach ♬ original sound – SpotifySounds

Cookie & Brownie Need The Perfect Forever Home

Cookie and Brownie love each other, but they are not a bonded pair and can be adopted individually. Volunteers who have walked and played with these pups say they are sweet, social, and do really well with children! 

Heartbreaking: Shelter Puppies Only Get 30 Minutes of Playtime Each WEEK

Cookie and Brownie are available for foster or adoption, and they really deserve homes after a rough start in life. If you live in or near Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, and have been looking for a young dog (or two!) to fill a hole in your life, consider adopting one (or both!) of these sweet dogs. Learn more about how to adopt Cookie, Brownie, or any other dog from the Oklahoma City Animal Welfare shelter here

If you can’t adopt, consider volunteering for Oklahoma City Animal Welfare or your local animal shelter! Even seemingly simple jobs like cleaning make a big difference for shelter pets, and just a few hours of your time could help adoptable dogs find their new homes.

Heartbreaking: Shelter Puppies Only Get 30 Minutes of Playtime Each WEEK

Coffee that Support Shelter Dogs

Medium Roast Organic 12 oz

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