Hannah the Shelter Mama: Her 11 Puppies All Found Homes, So Why Is She Still Alone?

Hannah —a beautiful Doberman Pinscher Labrador Retriever mix—entered the San Diego shelter system in early June 2024 when she was heavily pregnant. Just days after she arrived on a Sunday when the shelter was closed and there was no staff to help her, Hannah gave birth to 11 puppies all on her own.

Credit: Labradors and Friends Dog Rescue Group

Despite what must have been a scary experience, giving birth alone in a shelter, Hannah became the best mama to her 7 boys and 5 girls. Still, the shelter is no place for a postpartum mama dog and her babies. 

Thankfully, a foster stepped up through Labradors and Friends Dog Rescue—a non-profit rescue organization that pulls Labrador Retrievers, Lab mixes, and other “friends” from high-kill shelters in California and the surrounding southwest. Hannah got to raise her puppies in a comfortable, quiet, low-stress environment with her foster family, and her puppies got to spend their first months playing rather than crowded in a tiny kennel.

Finally, Hannah’s puppies were old enough to be adopted, and all 11 puppies found forever homes one by one. On the other hand, Hannah is still waiting for someone to see how special she is and make her part of their family.

Get To Know Hannah the Doberman Pinscher x Labrador Retriever Mix

Credit: Labradors and Friends Dog Rescue Group

Hannah is a large female estimated to be around 2 years and 3 months old and weighing in at 60 pounds. Hannah is sweet, well-behaved, house-trained, and good with other dogs. A very friendly and gentle dog, Hannah loves all humans and is good with kids of all ages. When she was in the shelter, Hannah was happy to share her puppies with staff showing that she’s a generous, non-territorial dog.

A mix of Doberman Pinscher and Labrador Retriever, Hannah has long legs and a sturdy build with gorgeous orange/brown markings on her mostly black fur. Hannah has not been tested with cats, but Doberman Pinschers and Doberman mixes are not recommended for homes with small animals.

Could You Be Hannah’s Forever Family? How To Adopt

Credit: Labradors and Friends Dog Rescue Group

Currently in the care of Labrador and Friends Dog Rescue in San Diego, California, you can apply to adopt or foster Hannah online.

If you live in or around San Diego, California, and want to adopt a Labrador Retriever or a Lab mix, I highly recommend checking out Labradors and Friends Dog Rescue. There are thousands of purebred dogs in the rescue system waiting for forever homes and you don’t need to go to a breeder to own a purebred!

Coffee that Support Shelter Dogs

Medium Roast Organic 12 oz

Dark Roast Organic 12 oz

Flip Coffee Enamel Mug